On a Class of Nonconvex Problems Where all Local Minima are Global
The concept of separation by hyperplanes and halfspaces is fundamental for convex geometry and its tropical (max-plus) analogue. However, analogous separation results in max-min convex geometry are based on semispaces. This paper answers the question which semispaces are hyperplanes and when it is possible to “classically” separate by hyperplanes in max-min convex geometry.
The notions of smooth points of the boundary of an open set and α(·) intrinsically paraconvex sets are introduced. It is shown that for an α(·) intrinsically paraconvex open set the set of smooth points is a dense -set of the boundary.
An investigation is launched into the fundamental characteristics of operations on and between sets, with a focus on compact convex sets and star sets (compact sets star-shaped with respect to the origin) in -dimensional Euclidean space . It is proved that if , with three trivial exceptions, an operation between origin-symmetric compact convex sets is continuous in the Hausdorff metric, covariant, and associative if and only if it is addition for some . It is also demonstrated that if ,...