Many Endpoints and Few Interior Points of Geodesics.
Let T be a precompact subset of a Hilbert space. We estimate the metric entropy of co(T), the convex hull of T, by quantities originating in the theory of majorizing measures. In a similar way, estimates of the Gelfand width are provided. As an application we get upper bounds for the entropy of co(T), , , by functions of the ’s only. This partially answers a question raised by K. Ball and A. Pajor (cf. [1]). Our estimates turn out to be optimal in the case of slowly decreasing sequences .
The theory of minimal pairs of bounded closed convex sets was treated extensively in the book authored by D. Pallaschke and R. Urbański, Pairs of Compact Convex Sets, Fractional Arithmetic with Convex Sets. In the present paper we summarize the known results, generalize some of them and add new ones.