Displaying 21 – 40 of 158

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A solution to Comfort's question on the countable compactness of powers of a topological group

Artur Hideyuki Tomita (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

In 1990, Comfort asked Question 477 in the survey book “Open Problems in Topology”: Is there, for every (not necessarily infinite) cardinal number α 2 , a topological group G such that G γ is countably compact for all cardinals γ < α, but G α is not countably compact? Hart and van Mill showed in 1991 that α = 2 answers this question affirmatively under M A c o u n t a b l e . Recently, Tomita showed that every finite cardinal answers Comfort’s question in the affirmative, also from M A c o u n t a b l e . However, the question has remained...

An example for mappings related to confluence

Pavel Pyrih (1999)

Archivum Mathematicum

Confluence of a mapping between topological spaces can be defined by several ways. J.J. Charatonik asked if two definitions of the confluence using the components and quasi-components are equivalent for surjective mappings with compact point inverses. We give the negative answer to this question in Example 2.1.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 158