On the Hyperbolicity Domain of the Polynomial x^n + a1x^(n-1) + 1/4+ an
∗ Partially supported by INTAS grant 97-1644We consider the polynomial Pn = x^n + a1 x^(n−1) + · · · + an , ai ∈ R. We represent by figures the projections on Oa1 . . . ak , k ≤ 6, of its hyperbolicity domain Π = {a ∈ Rn | all roots of Pn are real}. The set Π and its projections Πk in the spaces Oa1 . . . ak , k ≤ n, have the structure of stratified manifolds, the strata being defined by the multiplicity vectors. It is known that for k > 2 every non-empty fibre of the projection Π^k → Π^(k−1) is...