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Comment on "On some statistical paradoxes and non-conglomerability" by Bruce Hill.

Isaac Levi (1981)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

Those who follow Harold Jeffreys in using improper priors together with likelihoods to determine posteriors have thought of the improper measures as probability measures of a deviant sort. This is a mistake. Probability measures are finite measures. Improper distributions generate σ-finite measures. (...)

Decisión equivariante óptima en poblaciones con parámetro de localización y escala.

Ramón Ardanuy Albajar, M.ª del Mar Soldevilla Moreno (1981)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

En este trabajo se trata el problema de decisión equivariante en poblaciones dependientes de un parámetro bidimensional del tipo de localización y escala, obteniendo la información a partir de un estadístico ordenado. Tras caracterizar las funciones de decisión equivariantes y encontrar la expresión para la función de decisión óptima, se ven condiciones, sobre la función de pérdida y distribución muestral, que sean suficientes para garantizar que la función de decisión equivariante óptima sea minimax...

Fuzzy data in statistics

Milan Mareš (2007)


The development of effective methods of data processing belongs to important challenges of modern applied mathematics and theoretical information science. If the natural uncertainty of the data means their vagueness, then the theory of fuzzy quantities offers relatively strong tools for their treatment. These tools differ from the statistical methods and this difference is not only justifiable but also admissible. This relatively brief paper aims to summarize the main fuzzy approaches to vague data...

Gaussian model selection

Lucien Birgé, Pascal Massart (2001)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Our purpose in this paper is to provide a general approach to model selection via penalization for Gaussian regression and to develop our point of view about this subject. The advantage and importance of model selection come from the fact that it provides a suitable approach to many different types of problems, starting from model selection per se (among a family of parametric models, which one is more suitable for the data at hand), which includes for instance variable selection in regression models,...

Invariance and R-ε criterion.

Julián de la Horra (1986)

Trabajos de Estadística

The R-ε criterion is considered as a generalization of the minimax criterion, in a decision problem with Θ = {θ1, ..., θn}, and its relation with the invariance is studied. If a decision problem is invariant under a finite group G, it is known, from the minimax point of view that, for any rule δ, there exists an invariant rule δ' which is either preferred or equivalent to δ. The question raised in this paper is: given that the minimax ordering is a particular case of R-ε ordering, is it possible...

Invariancia de las reglas admisibles y Bayes respecto de transformaciones monótonas.

Francisco Criado Torralba (1983)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

From an optimality point of view the solution of a decision problem is related to classes of optimal strategies: admissible, Bayes, etc. which are closely related to boundaries of the risk set S such as lower-boundary, Bayes boundary, positive Bayes boundary. In this paper we present some results concerning invariance properties of such boundaries when the set is transformed by means of a continuous monotonic increasing function W.

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