Classifications with relations. I. A model for the description of distributions and their distances
Statistical analysis of compositional data, multivariate observations carrying only relative information (proportions, percentages), should be performed only in orthonormal coordinates with respect to the Aitchison geometry on the simplex. In case of three-part compositions it is possible to decompose the covariance structure of the well-known principal components using variances of log-ratios of the original parts. They seem to be helpful for the interpretation of these special orthonormal coordinates....
Damos un procedimiento de detección de outliers para muestras procedentes de poblaciones normales bivariantes, que viene dado por el cuadrado de la distancia entre matrices de sumas de cuadrados y sumas de productos de observaciones muestrales, la cual se ha obtenido a partir de la forma métrica diferencial de Maas.