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A comparison of parametric models for mortality graduation. Application to mortality data for the Valencia Region (Spain).

Ana Debón, Francisco Montes, Ramón Sala (2005)


The parametric graduation of mortality data has as its objective the satisfactory estimation of the death rates based on mortality data but using an age-dependent function whose parameters are adjusted from the crude rates obtainable directly from the data. This paper proposes a revision of the most commonly used parametric models and compares the result obtained with each of them when they are applied to the mortality data for the Valencia Region. As a result of the comparison, we conclude that...

A copula test space model how to avoid the wrong copula choice

Frederik Michiels, Ann De Schepper (2008)


We introduce and discuss the test space problem as a part of the whole copula fitting process. In particular, we explain how an efficient copula test space can be constructed by taking into account information about the existing dependence, and we present a complete overview of bivariate test spaces for all possible situations. The practical use will be illustrated by means of a numerical application based on an illustrative portfolio containing the S&P 500 Composite Index, the JP Morgan Government...

A martingale control variate method for option pricing with stochastic volatility

Jean-Pierre Fouque, Chuan-Hsiang Han (2007)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

A generic control variate method is proposed to price options under stochastic volatility models by Monte Carlo simulations. This method provides a constructive way to select control variates which are martingales in order to reduce the variance of unbiased option price estimators. We apply a singular and regular perturbation analysis to characterize the variance reduced by martingale control variates. This variance analysis is done in the regime where time scales of associated driving volatility...

A note on order statistics from symmetrically distributed samples

Marek Kałuszka, Andrzej Okolewski (2011)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We present a first moment distribution-free bound on expected values of L-statistics as well as properties of some numerical characteristics of order statistics, in the case when the observations are possibly dependent symmetrically distributed about the common mean. An actuarial interpretation of the presented bound is indicated.

A recursive robust Bayesian estimation in partially observed financial market

Jianhui Huang (2007)

Applicationes Mathematicae

I propose a nonlinear Bayesian methodology to estimate the latent states which are partially observed in financial market. The distinguishable character of my methodology is that the recursive Bayesian estimation can be represented by some deterministic partial differential equation (PDE) (or evolution equation in the general case) parameterized by the underlying observation path. Unlike the traditional stochastic filtering equation, this dynamical representation is continuously dependent on the...

An alternative approach to bonus malus

Gracinda Rita Guerreiro, João Tiago Mexia (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

Under the assumptions of an open portfolio, i.e., considering that a policyholder can transfer his policy to another insurance company and the continuous arrival of new policyholders into a portfolio which can be placed into any of the bonus classes and not only in the "starting class", we developed a model (Stochastic Vortices Model) to estimate the Long Run Distribution for a Bonus Malus System. These hypothesis render the model quite representative of the reality. With the obtained Long Run Distribution,...

Asymptotics of riskless profit under selling of discrete time call options

A. V. Nagaev, S. A. Nagaev (2003)

Applicationes Mathematicae

A discrete time model of financial market is considered. In the focus of attention is the guaranteed profit of the investor which arises when the jumps of the stock price are bounded. The limit distribution of the profit as the model becomes closer to the classic model of geometrical Brownian motion is established. It is of interest that the approximating continuous time model does not assume any such profit.

Bounds on Capital Requirements For Bivariate Risk with Given Marginals and Partial Information on the Dependence

Carole Bernard, Yuntao Liu, Niall MacGillivray, Jinyuan Zhang (2013)

Dependence Modeling

Nelsen et al. [20] find bounds for bivariate distribution functions when there are constraints on the values of its quartiles. Tankov [25] generalizes this work by giving explicit expressions for the best upper and lower bounds for a bivariate copula when its values on a compact subset of [0; 1]2 are known. He shows that they are quasi-copulas and not necessarily copulas. Tankov [25] and Bernard et al. [3] both give sufficient conditions for these bounds to be copulas. In this note we give weaker...

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