A comparison between two indices obtained by MDF.
The application of statistical techniques in decision making, and more specifically for classification requirements, has proved to be adequate in the context of financial problems. In this study, we present the methodology used and the results obtained in the elaboration of a decision-support system for credit assignment. The problem was to provide an automatic tool for a Spanish financial institution that needed to quantify and analyse credit applications from clients. Firstly, we shall present...
Beta distributions are popular models for economic data. In this paper, a new multimodal beta distribution with bathtub shaped failure rate function is introduced. Various structural properties of this distribution are derived, including its cdf, moments, mean deviation about the mean, mean deviation about the median, entropy, asymptotic distribution of the extreme order statistics, maximum likelihood estimates and the Fisher information matrix. Finally, an application to consumer price indices...
Structural change for the Koyck Distributed Lag Model is analyzed through the Bayesian approach. The posterior distribution of the break point is derived with the use of the normal-gamma prior density and the break point, ν, is estimated by the value that attains the Highest Posterior Probability (HPP). Simulation study is done using R. Given the parameter values ϕ = 0.2 and λ = 0.3, the full detection of the structural change when σ² = 1 is generally attained at ν + 1. The after...
La différence de tendance centrale entre deux distributions sur un ensemble fini est représentée par une série de transferts entre les modalités. Un modèle unique est proposé qui permet d'analyser ces différences pour des variables nominales, ordinales ou métriques aussi bien que pour les variables numériques. En particulier on définit un indice de différence entre les distributions qui se ramène à l'indice de distorsion de Gini dans le cas d'une variable nominale et à la différence entre les moyennes...
En este trabajo se analiza el comportamiento de los tests de raíces unitarias cuando se utilizan los componentes ciclo-tendencia obtenidos a partir de procedimientos de extracción de señales en lugar de utilizar las series originales. Adicionalmente se intenta detectar las causas finales de los efectos perniciosos observados. Los procedimientos de extracción de señales analizados son el basado en modelos ARIMA y el filtro de líneas aéreas modificado. Un ejercicio de simulación nos permite concluir...