Cutwidth of the -dimensional mesh of -ary trees
We prove that the cutwidth of the r-dimensional mesh of d-ary trees is of order , which improves and generalizes previous results.
In the last decade, formal methods have proved their interest when analyzing security protocols. Security protocols require in particular to reason about the attacker knowledge. Two standard notions are often considered in formal approaches: deducibility and indistinguishability relations. The first notion states whether an attacker can learn the value of a secret, while the latter states whether an attacker can notice some difference between protocol runs with different values of the secret. Several...
In the last decade, formal methods have proved their interest when analyzing security protocols. Security protocols require in particular to reason about the attacker knowledge. Two standard notions are often considered in formal approaches: deducibility and indistinguishability relations. The first notion states whether an attacker can learn the value of a secret, while the latter states whether an attacker can notice some difference between protocol runs with different values of the secret. Several...
Rule-Driven processing has been proved as a way of achieving high speed in fuzzy hardware. Up to now, rule-driven architectures were designed to work with minimum or product as T-norm. This paper proposes two new rule-driven models designed for any T-norm (programmable T-norm) and any kind of membership function. The first one gives a valid theory for rule-driven processing with programmable T-norm and establishes the background for the second model. The second model has been designed taking into...
Time-delay systems exist in many engineering fields such as transportation systems, communication systems, process engineering and, more recently, networked control systems. It usually results in unsatisfactory performance and is frequently a source of instability, so the control of time-delay systems is practically important. In this paper, a design of the state predictive model following control system (PMFCS) with time-delay is discussed. The bounded property of the internal states for the control...
In this paper, we discuss the distributed design for binary classification based on the nonlinear support vector machine in a time-varying multi-agent network when the training data sets are distributedly located and unavailable to all agents. In particular, the aim is to find a global large margin classifier and then enable each agent to classify any new input data into one of the two labels in the binary classification without sharing its all local data with other agents. We formulate the support...
During the development of a parallel solver for Maxwell equations by integral formulations and Fast Multipole Method (FMM), we needed to optimize a critical part including a lot of communications and computations. Generally, many parallel programs need to communicate, but choosing explicitly the way and the instant may decrease the efficiency of the overall program. So, the overlapping of computations and communications may be a way to reduce this drawback. We will see a implementation of this techniques...
During the development of a parallel solver for Maxwell equations by integral formulations and Fast Multipole Method (FMM), we needed to optimize a critical part including a lot of communications and computations. Generally, many parallel programs need to communicate, but choosing explicitly the way and the instant may decrease the efficiency of the overall program. So, the overlapping of computations and communications may be a way to reduce this drawback. We will see a implementation of this...
The paper describes a spectral method for combinational logic synthesis using the Walsh transform and the Reed-Muller form. A new algorithm is presented that allows us to obtain the mixed polarity Reed-Muller expansion of Boolean functions. The most popular minimisation (sub-minimisation) criterion of the Reed-Muller form is obtained by the exhaustive search of all the polarity vectors. This paper presents a non-exhaustive method for Reed-Muller expansions. The new method allows us to build the...