Displaying 181 – 200 of 303

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Model of adaptation under indeterminacy

Cyril Klimeš (2011)


Information retrieval in information systems (IS) with large amounts of data is not only a matter of an effective IS architecture and design and technical parameters of computer technology used for operation of the IS, but also of an easy and intuitive orientation in a number of offers and information provided by the IS. Such retrievals in IS are, however, frequently carried out with indeterminate information, which requires other models of orientation in the environment of the IS.

Multidimensional term indexing for efficient processing of complex queries

Michal Krátký, Tomáš Skopal, Václav Snášel (2004)


The area of Information Retrieval deals with problems of storage and retrieval within a huge collection of text documents. In IR models, the semantics of a document is usually characterized using a set of terms. A common need to various IR models is an efficient term retrieval provided via a term index. Existing approaches of term indexing, e. g. the inverted list, support efficiently only simple queries asking for a term occurrence. In practice, we would like to exploit some more sophisticated...

Nested Sibling Tree Automata

Françoise Gire, Jean-Marc Talbot (2009)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

In the XML standard, data are represented as unranked labeled ordered trees. Regular unranked tree automata provide a useful formalism for the validation of schemas enforcing regular structural constraints on XML documents. However some concrete application contexts need the expression of more general constraints than the regular ones. In this paper we propose a new framework in which context-free style structural constraints can be expressed and validated. This framework is characterized by: (i)...

Noise effects in the quantum search algorithm from the viewpoint of computational complexity

Piotr Gawron, Jerzy Klamka, Ryszard Winiarczyk (2012)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

We analyse the resilience of the quantum search algorithm in the presence of quantum noise modelled as trace preserving completely positive maps. We study the influence of noise on the computational complexity of the quantum search algorithm. We show that it is only for small amounts of noise that the quantum search algorithm is still more efficient than any classical algorithm.

Noise Shaping in Neural Populations with Global Delayed Feedback

O. Ávila Åkerberg, M. J. Chacron (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

The interplay between intrinsic and network dynamics has been the focus of many investigations. Here we use a combination of theoretical and numerical approaches to study the effects of delayed global feedback on the information transmission properties of neural networks. Specifically, we compare networks of neurons that display intrinsic interspike interval correlations (nonrenewal) to networks that do not (renewal). We find that excitatory and...

On a fuzzy querying and data mining interface

Janusz Kacprzyk, Sławomir Zadrożny (2000)


In the paper an interface is proposed that combines flexible (fuzzy) querying and data mining functionality. The point of departure is the fuzzy querying interface designed and implemented previously by the present authors. It makes it possible to formulate and execute, against a traditional (crisp) database, queries containing imprecisely specified conditions. Here we discuss possibilities to extend it with some data mining features. More specifically, linguistic summarization of data (databases),...

On connections between information systems, rough sets and algebraic logic

Stephen Comer (1993)

Banach Center Publications

In this note we remark upon some relationships between the ideas of an approximation space and rough sets due to Pawlak ([9] and [10]) and algebras related to the study of algebraic logic - namely, cylindric algebras, relation algebras, and Stone algebras. The paper consists of three separate observations. The first deals with the family of approximation spaces induced by the indiscernability relation for different sets of attributes of an information system. In [3] the family of closure operators...

On Core XPath with Inflationary Fixed Points

Loredana Afanasiev, Balder Ten Cate (2013)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

We prove the undecidability of Core XPath 1.0 (CXP) [G. Gottlob and C. Koch, in Proc. of 17th Ann. IEEE Symp. on Logic in Computer Science, LICS ’02 (Copenhagen, July 2002). IEEE CS Press (2002) 189–202.] extended with an Inflationary Fixed Point (IFP) operator. More specifically, we prove that the satisfiability problem of this language is undecidable. In fact, the fragment of CXP+IFP containing only the self and descendant axes is already undecidable.

On problems of databases over a fixed infinite universe

Oleg Belegradek, Alexei Stolboushkin, Michael Taitslin (1999)

Banach Center Publications

In the relational model of databases a database state is thought of as a finite collection of relations between elements. For many applications it is convenient to pre-fix an infinite domain where the finite relations are going to be defined. Often, we also fix a set of domain functions and/or relations. These functions/relations are infinite by their nature. Some special problems arise if we use such an approach. In the paper we discuss some of the problems. We show that there exists a recursive...

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 303