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Learning Bayesian networks by Ant Colony Optimisation: searching in two different spaces.

Luis M. de Campos, José A. Gámez, José M. Puerta (2002)

Mathware and Soft Computing

The most common way of automatically learning Bayesian networks from data is the combination of a scoring metric, the evaluation of the fitness of any given candidate network to the data base, and a search procedure to explore the search space. Usually, the search is carried out by greedy hill-climbing algorithms, although other techniques such as genetic algorithms, have also been used.A recent metaheuristic, Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO), has been successfully applied to solve a great variety...

Lexicographic combinations of preference relations in the context of Possibilistic Decision Theory.

Lluís Godo, Adriana Zapico (2006)

Mathware and Soft Computing

In Possibilistic Decision Theory (PDT), decisions are ranked by a pressimistic or by an optimistic qualitative criteria. The preference relations induced by these criteria have been axiomatized by corresponding sets of rationality postulates, both à la von Neumann and Morgenstern and à la Savage. In this paper we first address a particular issue regarding the axiomatic systems of PDT à la von Neumann and Morgenstern. Namely, we show how to adapt the axiomatic systems for the pessimistic and optimistic...

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