Conditions with aggregates evaluated using gradual numbers
The simultaneous problem of consensus and trajectory tracking of linear multi-agent systems is considered in this paper, where the dynamics of each agent is represented by a single-input single-output linear system. In order to solve this problem, a distributed control strategy is proposed in this work, where the trajectory and the formation of the agents are achieved asymptotically even in the presence of switching communication topologies and smooth formation changes, and ensuring the closed-loop...
In this paper, we consider a multi-agent consensus problem with an active leader and variable interconnection topology. The dynamics of the active leader is given in a general form of linear system. The switching interconnection topology with communication delay among the agents is taken into consideration. A neighbor-based estimator is designed for each agent to obtain the unmeasurable state variables of the dynamic leader, and then a distributed feedback control law is developed to achieve consensus....
Although a nonlinear discrimination function may be superior to linear or quadratic classifiers, it is difficult to construct such a function. In this paper, we propose a method to construct a nonlinear discrimination function using Legendre polynomials. The selection of an optimal set of Legendre polynomials is determined by the MDL (Minimum Description Length) criterion. Results using many real data show the effectiveness of this method.
An overview is given of results achieved by F. Matúš on probabilistic conditional independence (CI). First, his axiomatic characterizations of stochastic functional dependence and unconditional independence are recalled. Then his elegant proof of discrete probabilistic representability of a matroid based on its linear representability over a finite field is recalled. It is explained that this result was a basis of his methodology for constructing a probabilistic representation of a given abstract...
A common framework for analyzing the global convergence of several flows for principal component analysis is developed. It is shown that flows proposed by Brockett, Oja, Xu and others are all gradient flows and the global convergence of these flows to single equilibrium points is established. The signature of the Hessian at each critical point is determined.
We formulate a few basic concepts of J. H. Conway's theory of games based on his book [6]. This is a first step towards formalizing Conway's theory of numbers into Mizar, which is an approach to proving the existence of a FIELD (i.e., a proper class that satisfies the axioms of a real-closed field) that includes the reals and ordinals, thus providing a uniform, independent and simple approach to these two constructions that does not go via the rational numbers and hence does for example not need...
In classification problems, the issue of high dimensionality, of data is often considered important. To lower data dimensionality, feature selection methods are often employed. To select a set of features that will span a representation space that is as good as possible for the classification task, one must take into consideration possible interdependencies between the features. As a trade-off between the complexity of the selection process and the quality of the selected feature set, a pairwise...
El Problema del Viajante puede plantearse a partir del modelo de red neuronal continuo de Hopfield, que determina una solución de equilibrio para una ecuación diferencial con parámetros desconocidos. En el artículo se detalla el procedimiento de determinación de dichos parámetros con el fin de asegurar que la solución de la ecuación diferencial proporcione soluciones válidas para el Problema del Viajante.
La représentation visuelle d'une hiérarchie induit un ordre sur les singletons. Si l'on désire représenter la même hiérarchie en tenant compte de contraintes extérieures (ordre des singletons induit par une autre hiérarchie, une partition, un indice de dissimilarité, par exemple) des croisements peuvent apparaître. Il y a un croisement dans la représentation visuelle d'une hiérarchie quand une branche horizontale (associée à un palier) est coupée par une branche verticale associée à un singleton....
We propose a method that enables effective code reuse between evolutionary runs that solve a set of related visual learning tasks. We start with introducing a visual learning approach that uses genetic programming individuals to recognize objects. The process of recognition is generative, i.e., requires the learner to restore the shape of the processed object. This method is extended with a code reuse mechanism by introducing a crossbreeding operator that allows importing the genetic material from...