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Localization and fuzzy classification of manufacturing defects in sheets of glass.

Luis Junco Navascués, Luciano Sánchez (1998)

Mathware and Soft Computing

Artificial Vision Systems are commonly used in industrial applications. The low cost of the equipment facilitates the development of new products. In this paper we describe the use of an artificial vision system in one of the phases of a quality control process related to automotive industries: the windshield manufacturing. We intend to localize and classify the defects that were originated while manufacturing the glass that forms the windshield. We will show that a fuzzy classifier, after being...

Locally weighted neural networks for an analysis of the biosensor response

Romas Baronas, Feliksas Ivanauskas, Romualdas Maslovskis, Marijus Radavičius, Pranas Vaitkus (2007)


This paper presents a semi-global mathematical model for an analysis of a signal of amperometric biosensors. Artificial neural networks were applied to an analysis of the biosensor response to multi-component mixtures. A large amount of the learning and test data was synthesized using computer simulation of the biosensor response. The biosensor signal was analyzed with respect to the concentration of each component of the mixture. The paradigm of locally weighted linear regression was used for retraining...

Logique combinatoire et linguistique : grammaire catégorielle combinatoire applicative

Jean-Pierre Desclés, Ismail Biskri (1995)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

La Grammaire Catégorielle Combinatoire Applicative étend la Grammaire Catégorielle Combinatoire de Steedman par une association canonique entre les règles et des combinateurs de Curry d'une part et l'utilisation de métarègles qui contrôlent les opérations de changement de type d'autre part. Ce modèle est inclus dans le modèle général de la Grammaire Applicative et Cognitive (Desclés) avec trois niveaux de représentation : (i) le phénotype (expressions concaténées) ; (ii) le génotype (expressions...

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