On learning in a fuzzy rule-based expert system
Standard properties of -divergences of probability measures are widely applied in various areas of information processing. Among the desirable supplementary properties facilitating employment of mathematical methods is the metricity of -divergences, or the metricity of their powers. This paper extends the previously known family of -divergences with these properties. The extension consists of a continuum of -divergences which are squared metric distances and which are mostly new but include...
This paper deals with numerical functions J : [0,1] x [0,1] → [0,1] able to functionally express operators →: [0,1]X x [0,1]Y → [0,1]XxY defined as (μ → σ)(x,y) = J(μ(x),σ(y)), and verifying either Modus Ponens or Modus Tollens, or both. The concrete goal of the paper is to search for continuous t-norms T and strong-negation functions N for which it is either T(a, J(a,b)) ≤ b (Modus Ponens) or T(N(b), J(a,b)) ≤ N(a) (Modus Tollens), or both, for all a,b in [0,1] and a given J. Functions J are taken...
The currently dominant speech recognition technology, hidden Mar-kov modeling, has long been criticized for its simplistic assumptions about speech, and especially for the naive Bayes combination rule inherent in it. Many sophisticated alternative models have been suggested over the last decade. These, however, have demonstrated only modest improvements and brought no paradigm shift in technology. The goal of this paper is to examine why HMM performs so well in spite of its incorrect bias due to...
This paper describes the problem of designing control laws for path following robots, including two types of nonholonomic mobile manipulators. Due to a cascade structure of the motion equation, a backstepping procedure is used to achieve motion along a desired path. The control algorithm consists of two simultaneously working controllers: the kinematic controller, solving motion constraints, and the dynamic controller, preserving an appropriate coordination between both subsystems of a mobile manipulator,...
This article describes a rough subgroup with respect to a normal subgroup of a group, and some properties of the lower and the upper approximations in a group.
This paper introduces a novel method for selecting a feature subset yielding an optimal trade-off between class separability and feature space dimensionality. We assume the following feature properties: (a) the features are ordered into a sequence, (b) robustness of the features decreases with an increasing order and (c) higher-order features supply more detailed information about the objects. We present a general algorithm how to find under those assumptions the optimal feature subset. Its performance...
A language grounding problem is considered for nonuniform sets of modal conjunctions consisting of conjunctions extended with more than one modal operator of knowledge, belief or possibility. The grounding is considered in the context of semiotic triangles built from language symbols, communicative cognitive agents and external objects. The communicative cognitive agents are assumed to be able to observe external worlds and store the results of observations in internal knowledge bases. It is assumed...
Some basic properties of -planes of type-2 fuzzy sets are investigated and discussed in connection with the similar properties of -cuts of type-1 fuzzy sets. It is known, that standard intersection and standard union of type-1 fuzzy sets (it means intersection and union under minimum t-norm and maximum t-conorm, respectively) are the only cutworthy operations for type-1 fuzzy sets. Recently, a similar property was declared to be true also for -planes of type-2 fuzzy sets in a few papers. Thus,...
Policy makers and researchers require raw data collected from agencies and companies for their analysis. Nevertheless, any transmission of data to third parties should satisfy some privacy requirements in order to avoid the disclosure of sensitive information. The areas of privacy preserving data mining and statistical disclosure control develop mechanisms for ensuring data privacy. Masking methods are one of such mechanisms. With them, third parties can do computations with a limited risk of disclosure....