L'analyse krigeante pour le classement d'observations spatiales et multivariées
The free oscillations of the gate system proposed [1,2] to defend the Venice Lagoon from the phenomenon of high water are analyzed. Free transverse modes of oscillations exist which may be either subharmonic or synchronous with respect to typical waves in the Adriatic sea. This result points out the need to examine whether such modes may be excited as a result of a Mathieu type resonance occurring when the gate system is forced by incident waves. The latter investigation is performed in part 2 of...
We show that the transverse subharmonic modes characterizing the free oscillations of the gate system proposed to defend the Venice Lagoon from the phenomenon of high water (see Note I[1]) can be excited when the gate system is forced by plane monochromatic waves orthogonal to the gates with the typical characteristics of large amplitude waves in the Adriatic sea close to the lagoon inlets. A linear stability analysis of the coupled motion of the system sea-gates-lagoon reveals that for typical...