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Existence and asymptotics of solutions of the Debye-Nernst-Planck system in ℝ²

Agnieszka Herczak, Michał Olech (2009)

Banach Center Publications

We investigate a system describing electrically charged particles in the whole space ℝ². Our main goal is to describe large time behavior of solutions which start their evolution from initial data of small size. This is achieved using radially symmetric self-similar solutions.

Using DNA Self-assembly Design Strategies to Motivate Graph Theory Concepts

J. Ellis-Monaghan, G. Pangborn (2011)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

A number of exciting new laboratory techniques have been developed using the Watson-Crick complementarity properties of DNA strands to achieve the self-assembly of graphical complexes. For all of these methods, an essential step in building the self-assembling nanostructure is designing the component molecular building blocks. These design strategy problems fall naturally into the realm of graph theory. We describe graph theoretical formalism for various construction methods, and then suggest several...

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