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A numerically efficient approach to the modelling of double-Qdot channels

A. Shamloo, A.P. Sowa (2013)

Nanoscale Systems: Mathematical Modeling, Theory and Applications

We consider the electronic properties of a system consisting of two quantum dots in physical proximity, which we will refer to as the double-Qdot. Double-Qdots are attractive in light of their potential application to spin-based quantum computing and other electronic applications, e.g. as specialized sensors. Our main goal is to derive the essential properties of the double-Qdot from a model that is rigorous yet numerically tractable, and largely circumvents the complexities of an ab initio simulation....

A Test for the Stability of Networks

Agnieszka Rowinska-Schwarzweller, Christoph Schwarzweller (2013)

Formalized Mathematics

A complex polynomial is called a Hurwitz polynomial, if all its roots have a real part smaller than zero. This kind of polynomial plays an all-dominant role in stability checks of electrical (analog or digital) networks. In this article we prove that a polynomial p can be shown to be Hurwitz by checking whether the rational function e(p)/o(p) can be realized as a reactance of one port, that is as an electrical impedance or admittance consisting of inductors and capacitors. Here e(p) and o(p) denote...

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