A non-Standard Characterization of the norm of free Ultrafilters
We study iteration and recursion operators in the denotational semantics of typed λ-calculi derived from the multiset relational model of linear logic. Although these operators are defined as fixpoints of typed functionals, we prove them finitary in the sense of Ehrhard’s finiteness spaces.
We investigate a relation about subadditivity of functions. Based on subadditivity of functions, we consider some conditions for continuous -norms to act as the weakest -norm -based addition. This work extends some results of Marková-Stupňanová [15], Mesiar [18].
Assuming large cardinals, we show that every κ-complete filter can be generically extended to a V-ultrafilter with well-founded ultrapower. We then apply this to answer a question of Abe.
In this note we bind together Wilkie's complement theorem with Lion's theorem on geometric, regular and 0-regular families of functions.
We show that splitting of elements of an independent family of infinite regular size will produce a full size independent set.