A note on tolerance lattices of products of lattices
Using Tsirelson’s well-known example of a Banach space which does not contain a copy of or , for p ≥ 1, we construct a simple Borel ideal such that the Borel cardinalities of the quotient spaces and are incomparable, where is the summable ideal of all sets A ⊆ ℕ such that . This disproves a “trichotomy” conjecture for Borel ideals proposed by Kechris and Mazur.
Slaman recently proved that Σₙ collection is provable from Δₙ induction plus exponentiation, partially answering a question of Paris. We give a new version of this proof for the case n = 1, which only requires the following very weak form of exponentiation: " exists for some y sufficiently large that x is smaller than some primitive recursive function of y".
It is consistent that there is a partial order (P,≤) of size such that every monotone function f:P → P is first order definable in (P,≤).