Essentially Rigid Floppy Subgroups of the Baer-Specker Group.
Estensioni contraddittorie della teoria Ampia
Dopo una breve presentazione della teoria , una teoria non riduzionista ed autoreferenziale dei fondamenti della matematica proposta da Clavelli, De Giorgi, Forti e Tortorelli nel 1987, si mostra l'inconsistenza di estensioni della teoria ottenute aggiungendo forti assiomi su relazioni e operazioni (ad es. assiomi che danno la composizione di operazioni, la congiunzione di relazioni, ecc.) e/o assiomi che forniscono qualche relazione "combinatoria".
Estimation of the algorithmic complexity of classes of computable models.
Étude et implémentation d'un système de déduction pour logique algorithmique
Euler’s Partition Theorem
In this article we prove the Euler’s Partition Theorem which states that the number of integer partitions with odd parts equals the number of partitions with distinct parts. The formalization follows H.S. Wilf’s lecture notes [28] (see also [1]). Euler’s Partition Theorem is listed as item #45 from the “Formalizing 100 Theorems” list maintained by Freek Wiedijk at [27].
E-unification by means of tree tuple synchronized grammars.
Evaluating many valued modus ponens
This paper deals with many valued case of modus ponens. Cases with implicative and with clausal rules are studied. Many valued modus ponens via discrete connectives is studied with implicative rules as well as with clausal rules. Some properties of discrete modus ponens operator are given.
Evaluations of fuzzy sets based on orderings and measures.
Total orderings in the range of fuzzy sets can serve as choice criteria for fuzzy sets, a wide class of orderings based on functions is proposed (section 2). Decomposable measures are taken to measure the items on which the fuzzy sets are given (section 3). Combining the two levels of measurement by means of the integral introduced by the second author we obtain evaluations of fuzzy sets as functionals with appropriate properties, the concepts of energy and fuzziness are included (section 4).
Evasion and prediction - the Specker phenomenon and Gross space.
Event-Based Proof of the Mutual Exclusion Property of Peterson’s Algorithm
Proving properties of distributed algorithms is still a highly challenging problem and various approaches that have been proposed to tackle it [1] can be roughly divided into state-based and event-based proofs. Informally speaking, state-based approaches define the behavior of a distributed algorithm as a set of sequences of memory states during its executions, while event-based approaches treat the behaviors by means of events which are produced by the executions of an algorithm. Of course, combined...
Events of Borel Sets, Construction of Borel Sets and Random Variables for Stochastic Finance
We consider special events of Borel sets with the aim to prove, that the set of the irrational numbers is an event of the Borel sets. The set of the natural numbers, the set of the integer numbers and the set of the rational numbers are countable, so we can use the literature [10] (pp. 78-81) as a basis for the similar construction of the proof. Next we prove, that different sets can construct the Borel sets [16] (pp. 9-10). Literature [16] (pp. 9-10) and [11] (pp. 11-12) gives an overview, that...
Every Lusin set is undetermined in the point-open game
We show that some classes of small sets are topological versions of some combinatorial properties. We also give a characterization of spaces for which White has a winning strategy in the point-open game. We show that every Lusin set is undetermined, which solves a problem of Galvin.
Every uniformly Archimedean atomic MV-effect algebra is sharply dominating
Following the study of sharp domination in effect algebras, in particular, in atomic Archimedean MV-effect algebras it is proved that if an atomic MV-effect algebra is uniformly Archimedean then it is sharply dominating.
Every weakly initially -compact topological space is pcap
The statement in the title solves a problem raised by T. Retta. We also present a variation of the result in terms of -compactness.
Evolutionary algorithms and fuzzy sets for discovering temporal rules
A novel method is presented for mining fuzzy association rules that have a temporal pattern. Our proposed method contributes towards discovering temporal patterns that could otherwise be lost from defining the membership functions before the mining process. The novelty of this research lies in exploring the composition of fuzzy and temporal association rules, and using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm combined with iterative rule learning to mine many rules. Temporal patterns are augmented...
Examples for Souslin forcing
We give several examples of Souslin forcing notions. For instance, we show that there exists a proper analytical forcing notion without ccc and with no perfect set of incompatible elements, we give an example of a Souslin ccc partial order without the Knaster property, and an example of a totally nonhomogeneous Souslin forcing notion.
Examples of non-shy sets
Christensen has defined a generalization of the property of being of Haar measure zero to subsets of (abelian) Polish groups which need not be locally compact; a recent paper of Hunt, Sauer, and Yorke defines the same property for Borel subsets of linear spaces, and gives a number of examples and applications. The latter authors use the term “shyness” for this property, and “prevalence” for the complementary property. In the present paper, we construct a number of examples of non-shy Borel sets...
Examples of ε-exhaustive pathological submeasures
For any given ε > 0 we construct an ε-exhaustive normalized pathological submeasure. To this end we use potentially exhaustive submeasures and barriers of finite subsets of ℕ.
Exemples de normes en théorie descriptive des ensembles