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Lògiques distributives i booleanes.

Ventura Verdú i Solans (1979)


Continuing the study of different types of Abstract Logics [5], and following works by Brown-Bloom [1] and Brown-Suszko [2], we analyze in this paper some logics in which, if we identify equivalent formulae by means of the consequence operator, we obtain distributive lattices or Boolean algebras.

Lower and upper bounds for the provability of Herbrand consistency in weak arithmetics

Zofia Adamowicz, Konrad Zdanowski (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that for i ≥ 1, the arithmetic I Δ + Ω i does not prove a variant of its own Herbrand consistency restricted to the terms of depth in ( 1 + ε ) l o g i + 2 , where ε is an arbitrarily small constant greater than zero. On the other hand, the provability holds for the set of terms of depths in l o g i + 3 .

Lusin sequences under CH and under Martin's Axiom

Uri Abraham, Saharon Shelah (2001)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Assuming the continuum hypothesis there is an inseparable sequence of length ω₁ that contains no Lusin subsequence, while if Martin's Axiom and ¬ CH are assumed then every inseparable sequence (of length ω₁) is a union of countably many Lusin subsequences.

Luzin and anti-Luzin almost disjoint families

Judith Roitman, Lajos Soukup (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Under M A ω 1 every uncountable almost disjoint family is either anti-Luzin or has an uncountable Luzin subfamily. This fails under CH. Related properties are also investigated.

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