Propriété de Nikodym et propriété de Grothendieck
In this paper we define for fuzzy topological spaces a notion corresponding to proto-metrizable topological spaces. We obtain some properties of these fuzzy topological spaces, particularly we give relations with non-archimedean, and metrizable fuzzy topological spaces.
Using the theory of rudimentary recursion and provident sets expounded in [MB], we give a treatment of set forcing appropriate for working over models of a theory PROVI which may plausibly claim to be the weakest set theory supporting a smooth theory of set forcing, and of which the minimal model is Jensen’s . Much of the development is rudimentary or at worst given by rudimentary recursions with parameter the notion of forcing under consideration. Our development eschews the power set axiom. We...
Recall that a P-set is a closed set X such that the intersection of countably many neighborhoods of X is again a neighborhood of X. We show that if 𝔱 = 𝔠 then there is a minimal right ideal of (βℕ,+) that is also a P-set. We also show that the existence of such P-sets implies the existence of P-points; in particular, it is consistent with ZFC that no minimal right ideal is a P-set. As an application of these results, we prove that it is both consistent with and independent of ZFC that the shift...
It is shown that pseudo -algebras are categorically equivalent to certain bounded -monoids. Using this result, we obtain some properties of pseudo -algebras, in particular, we can characterize congruence kernels by means of normal filters. Further, we deal with representable pseudo -algebras and, in conclusion, we prove that they form a variety.
The aim of this paper is to define the notions of pseudo-MV algebra of fractions and maximal pseudo-MV algebra of quotients for a pseudo-MV algebra (taking as a guide-line the elegant construction of complete ring of quotients by partial morphisms introduced by G. Findlay and J. Lambek-see [14], p.36). For some informal explanations of the notion of fraction see [14], p. 37. In the last part of this paper the existence of the maximal pseudo-MV algebra of quotients for a pseudo-MV algebra (Theorem...
In this paper we introduce stable topology and -topology on the set of all prime filters of a BL-algebra and show that the set of all prime filters of , namely Spec() with the stable topology is a compact space but not . Then by means of stable topology, we define and study pure filters of a BL-algebra and obtain a one to one correspondence between pure filters of and closed subsets of Max(), the set of all maximal filters of , as a subspace of Spec(). We also show that for any filter...
In this paper we investigate a propositional fuzzy logical system LΠ which contains the well-known Lukasiewicz, Product and Gödel fuzzy logics as sublogics. We define the corresponding algebraic structures, called LΠ-algebras and prove the following completeness result: a formula φ is provable in the LΠ logic iff it is a tautology for all linear LΠ-algebras. Moreover, linear LΠ-algebras are shown to be embeddable in linearly ordered abelian rings with a strong unit and cancellation law.