Displaying 161 – 180 of 254

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Periodic integrals and tautological systems

Bong H. Lian, Ruifang Song, Shing-Tung Yau (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study period integrals of CY hypersurfaces in a partial flag variety. We construct a regular holonomic system of differential equations which govern the period integrals. By means of representation theory, a set of generators of the system can be described explicitly. The results are also generalized to CY complete intersections. The construction of these new systems of differential equations has lead us to the notion of a tautological system.

Pieri's formula for flag manifolds and Schubert polynomials

Frank Sottile (1996)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We establish the formula for multiplication by the class of a special Schubert variety in the integral cohomology ring of the flag manifold. This formula also describes the multiplication of a Schubert polynomial by either an elementary or a complete symmetric polynomial. Thus, we generalize the classical Pieri’s formula for Schur polynomials (associated to Grassmann varieties) to Schubert polynomials (associated to flag manifolds). Our primary technique is an explicit geometric description of certain...

Pieri-type formulas for maximal isotropic Grassmannians via triple intersections

Frank Sottile (1999)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We give an elementary proof of the Pieri-type formula in the cohomology ring of a Grassmannian of maximal isotropic subspaces of an orthogonal or symplectic vector space. This proof proceeds by explicitly computing a triple intersection of Schubert varieties. The multiplicities (which are powers of 2) in the Pieri-type formula are seen to arise from the intersection of a collection of quadrics with a linear space.

Pieri-type intersection formulas and primary obstructions for decomposing 2-forms

Sinan Sertöz (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We study the homological intersection behaviour for the Chern cells of the universal bundle of G(d,Qₙ), the space of [d]-planes in the smooth quadric Qₙ in n + 1 over the field of complex numbers. For this purpose we define some auxiliary cells in terms of which the intersection properties of the Chern cells can be described. This is then applied to obtain some new necessary conditions for the global decomposability of a 2-form of constant rank.

Poisson geometry of directed networks in an annulus

Michael Gekhtman, Michael Shapiro, Vainshtein, Alek (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

As a generalization of Postnikov’s construction [P], we define a map from the space of edge weights of a directed network in an annulus into a space of loops in the Grassmannian. We then show that universal Poisson brackets introduced for the space of edge weights in [GSV3] induce a family of Poisson structures on rational matrix-valued functions and on the space of loops in the Grassmannian. In the former case, this family includes, for a particular kind of networks, the Poisson bracket associated...

Positivity and Kleiman transversality in equivariant K -theory of homogeneous spaces

Dave Anderson, Stephen Griffeth, Ezra Miller (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove the conjectures of Graham–Kumar [GrKu08] and Griffeth–Ram [GrRa04] concerning the alternation of signs in the structure constants for torus-equivariant K -theory of generalized flag varieties G / P . These results are immediate consequences of an equivariant homological Kleiman transversality principle for the Borel mixing spaces of homogeneous spaces, and their subvarieties, under a natural group action with finitely many orbits. The computation of the coefficients in the expansion of the equivariant...

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 254