An additive inverse characteristic polynomial theorem
In this paper we show that in an analogous way to the scalar case, the general solution of a non homogeneous second order matrix differential equation may be expressed in terms of the exponential functions of certain matrices related to the corresponding characteristic algebraic matrix equation. We introduce the concept of co-solution of an algebraic equation of the type X^2 + A1.X + A0 = 0, that allows us to obtain a method of the variation of the parameters for the matrix case and further to find...
Discrete wavelets are viewed as linear algebraic transforms given by banded orthogonal matrices which can be built up from small matrix blocks satisfying certain conditions. A generalization of the finite support Daubechies wavelets is discussed and some special cases promising more rapid signal reduction are derived.
In an invited paper, Baksalary [Algebraic characterizations and statistical implications of the commutativity of orthogonal projectors. In: T. Pukkila, S. Puntanen (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second International Tampere Conference in Statistics, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland, [2], pp. 113-142] presented 45 necessary and sufficient conditions for the commutativity of a pair of orthogonal projectors. Basing on these results, he discussed therein also statistical aspects of the commutativity...
Cayley-Hamilton theorem is proved by an analytical approach by recalling certain interesting properties of density. In this process, the classical expressions of the principal invariants follow immediately from the proposed proof's scheme.
In this paper, an approach based on matrix polynomials is introduced for solving linear systems of partial differential equations. The main feature of the proposed method is the computation of the Smith canonical form of the assigned matrix polynomial to the linear system of PDEs, which leads to a reduced system. It will be shown that the reduced one is an independent system of PDEs having only one unknown in each equation. A comparison of the results for several test problems reveals that the method...
The paper is devoted to an algorithm for computing matrices and for a given square matrix and a real . The algorithm uses the binary expansion of and has the logarithmic computational complexity with respect to . The problem stems from the control theory.