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Diagonal reductions of matrices over exchange ideals

Huanyin Chen (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, we introduce related comparability for exchange ideals. Let I be an exchange ideal of a ring R . If I satisfies related comparability, then for any regular matrix A M n ( I ) , there exist left invertible U 1 , U 2 M n ( R ) and right invertible V 1 , V 2 M n ( R ) such that U 1 V 1 A U 2 V 2 = diag ( e 1 , , e n ) for idempotents e 1 , , e n I .

Diffeomorphisms of Rn with oscillatory jacobians.

Waldyr M. Oliva, Nelson M. Kuhl, Luiz T. Magalhâes (1993)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

The paper presents, mainly, two results: a new proof of the spectral properties of oscillatory matrices and a transversality theorem for diffeomorphisms of Rn with oscillatory jacobian at every point and such that NM(f(x) - f(y)) ≤ NM(x - y) for all elements x,y ∈ Rn, where NM(x) - 1 denotes the maximum number of sign changes in the components zi of z ∈ Rn, where all zi are non zero and z varies in a small neighborhood of x. An application to a semiimplicit discretization of the scalar heat equation...

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