Determinatenabschätzung für binäre Matrizen mit n ... 3 mod 4.
Determination of the structure of algebraic curvature tensors by means of Young symmetrizers.
Diagonal and von Neumann regular matrices over a Dedekind domain.
Diagonal blocks of two mutually inverse positive definite block matrices
Diagonal reductions of matrices over exchange ideals
In this paper, we introduce related comparability for exchange ideals. Let be an exchange ideal of a ring . If satisfies related comparability, then for any regular matrix , there exist left invertible and right invertible such that for idempotents .
Diagonal similarity and equivalence for matrices over groups with 0
Diagonal similarity of matrices
Diagonal transformations
Die Adjunktenbildung von Matrizen als Bündelprojektion.
Die allgemeine lineare Transformation der Liniencoordinaten
Die Determinanten elementar behandelt [Book]
Die Einbettung von Mittelwertstrukturen in Q-Vektorräume.
Die Lösung der Matrizengleichung X - AXB = C durch Integration.
Die neuere Algebra und die Ausdehnungslehre
Die Reduction linearer homogener Substitutionen von endlicher Periode auf ihre kanonische Form.
Diffeomorphisms of Rn with oscillatory jacobians.
The paper presents, mainly, two results: a new proof of the spectral properties of oscillatory matrices and a transversality theorem for diffeomorphisms of Rn with oscillatory jacobian at every point and such that NM(f(x) - f(y)) ≤ NM(x - y) for all elements x,y ∈ Rn, where NM(x) - 1 denotes the maximum number of sign changes in the components zi of z ∈ Rn, where all zi are non zero and z varies in a small neighborhood of x. An application to a semiimplicit discretization of the scalar heat equation...
Differencial equations for the analytic singular value decomposition of a matrix.
Digital image reconstruction in the spectral domain utilizing the Moore-Penrose inverse.
Dimension of non-Archimedean Banach spaces