Displaying 61 – 80 of 166

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Homomorphisms of algebras

Miroslav Novotný (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A construction of all homomorphisms of an algebra with a finite number of operations into an algebra of the same type is presented that consists in replacing algebras by suitable mono-unary algebras (possibly with some nullary operations) and their homomorphisms by suitable homomorphisms of the corresponding mono-unary algebras. Since a construction of all homomorphisms between two mono-unary algebras is known (see, e.g., [6], [7], [8]), a construction of all homomorphisms of an arbitrary algebra...

Initial normal covers in bi-Heyting toposes

Francis Borceux, Dominique Bourn, Peter Johnstone (2006)

Archivum Mathematicum

The dual of the category of pointed objects of a topos is semi-abelian, thus is provided with a notion of semi-direct product and a corresponding notion of action. In this paper, we study various conditions for representability of these actions. First, we show this to be equivalent to the existence of initial normal covers in the category of pointed objects of the topos. For Grothendieck toposes, actions are representable provided the topos admits an essential Boolean covering. This contains the...

Lifting D -modules from positive to zero characteristic

João Pedro P. dos Santos (2011)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

We study liftings or deformations of D -modules ( D is the ring of differential operators from EGA IV) from positive characteristic to characteristic zero using ideas of Matzat and Berthelot’s theory of arithmetic D -modules. We pay special attention to the growth of the differential Galois group of the liftings. We also apply formal deformation theory (following Schlessinger and Mazur) to analyze the space of all liftings of a given D -module in positive characteristic. At the end we compare the problems...

Linear programming duality and morphisms

Winfried Hochstättler, Jaroslav Nešetřil (1999)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we investigate a class of problems permitting a good characterisation from the point of view of morphisms of oriented matroids. We prove several morphism-duality theorems for oriented matroids. These generalize LP-duality (in form of Farkas' Lemma) and Minty's Painting Lemma. Moreover, we characterize all morphism duality theorems, thus proving the essential unicity of Farkas' Lemma. This research helped to isolate perhaps the most natural definition of strong maps for oriented matroids....

Łukasiewicz tribes are absolutely sequentially closed bold algebras

Roman Frič (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We show that each sequentially continuous (with respect to the pointwise convergence) normed measure on a bold algebra of fuzzy sets (Archimedean M V -algebra) can be uniquely extended to a sequentially continuous measure on the generated Łukasiewicz tribe and, in a natural way, the extension is maximal. We prove that for normed measures on Łukasiewicz tribes monotone (sequential) continuity implies sequential continuity, hence the assumption of sequential continuity is not restrictive. This yields...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 166