Displaying 141 – 160 of 225

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Phantom maps and purity in modular representation theory, I

D. Benson, G. Gnacadja (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let k be a field and G a finite group. By analogy with the theory of phantom maps in topology, a map f : M → ℕ between kG-modules is said to be phantom if its restriction to every finitely generated submodule of M factors through a projective module. We investigate the relationships between the theory of phantom maps, the algebraic theory of purity, and Rickard's idempotent modules. In general, adding one to the pure global dimension of kG gives an upper bound for the number of phantoms we need...

P-nilpotent completion is not idempotent.

Geok Choo Tan (1997)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Let P be an arbitrary set of primes. The P-nilpotent completion of a group G is defined by the group homomorphism η: G → GP' where GP' = inv lim(G/ΓiG)P. Here Γ2G is the commutator subgroup [G,G] and ΓiG the subgroup [G, Γi−1G] when i > 2. In this paper, we prove that P-nilpotent completion of an infinitely generated free group F does not induce an isomorphism on the first homology group with ZP coefficients. Hence, P-nilpotent completion is not idempotent. Another important consequence of...

Q-perfect groups and universal Q-central extensions.

Ronald Brown (1990)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Using results of Ellis-Rodríguez Fernández, an explicit description by generators and relations is given of the mod q Schur multiplier, and this is shown to be the kernel of a universal q-central extension in the case of a q-perfect group, i.e. one which is generated by commutators and q-th powers. These results generalise earlier work [by] K. Dennis and Brown-Loday.

Salvetti complex, spectral sequences and cohomology of Artin groups

Filippo Callegaro (2014)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

The aim of this short survey is to give a quick introduction to the Salvetti complex as a tool for the study of the cohomology of Artin groups. In particular we show how a spectral sequence induced by a filtration on the complex provides a very natural and useful method to study recursively the cohomology of Artin groups, simplifying many computations. In the last section some examples of applications are presented.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 225