Displaying 41 – 60 of 112

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Homology of gaussian groups

Patrick Dehornoy, Yves Lafont (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We describe new combinatorial methods for constructing explicit free resolutions of by G -modules when G is a group of fractions of a monoid where enough lest common multiples exist (“locally Gaussian monoid”), and therefore, for computing the homology of G . Our constructions apply in particular to all Artin-Tits groups of finite Coexter type. Technically, the proofs rely on the properties of least common multiples in a monoid.

On 0-homology of categorical at zero semigroups

Boris Novikov, Lyudmyla Polyakova (2009)

Open Mathematics

The isomorphism of 0-homology groups of a categorical at zero semigroup and homology groups of its 0-reflector is proved. Some applications of 0-homology to Eilenberg-MacLane homology of semigroups are given.

On homological classification of pomonoids by GP-po-flatness ofS-posets

Xingliang Liang, Xinyang Feng, Yanfeng Luo (2016)

Open Mathematics

In this paper, we introduce GP-po-flatness property of S-posets over a pomonoid S, which lies strictly between principal weak po-flatness and po-torsion freeness. Furthermore, we investigate the homological classification problems of pomonoids by using this new property. Finally, we consider direct products of GP-po-flat S-posets. As an application, characterizations of pomonoids over which direct products of nonempty families of principally weakly po-flat S-posets are principally weakly po-flat...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 112