Displaying 41 – 60 of 128

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Design of unknown input fractional-order observers for fractional-order systems

Ibrahima N'Doye, Mohamed Darouach, Holger Voos, Michel Zasadzinski (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper considers a method of designing fractional-order observers for continuous-time linear fractional-order systems with unknown inputs. Conditions for the existence of these observers are given. Sufficient conditions for the asymptotical stability of fractional-order observer errors with the fractional order α satisfying 0 < α < 2 are derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Two numerical examples are given to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach, where the...

Diagonals of separately continuous functions of n variables with values in strongly σ -metrizable spaces

Olena Karlova, Volodymyr Mykhaylyuk, Oleksandr Sobchuk (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove the result on Baire classification of mappings f : X × Y Z which are continuous with respect to the first variable and belongs to a Baire class with respect to the second one, where X is a P P -space, Y is a topological space and Z is a strongly σ -metrizable space with additional properties. We show that for any topological space X , special equiconnected space Z and a mapping g : X Z of the ( n - 1 ) -th Baire class there exists a strongly separately continuous mapping f : X n Z with the diagonal g . For wide classes of spaces...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 128