Displaying 701 – 720 of 880

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On the insertion of Darboux functions

Aleksander Maliszewski (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The main goal of this paper is to characterize the family of all functions f which satisfy the following condition: whenever g is a Darboux function and f < g on ℝ there is a Darboux function h such that f < h < g on ℝ.

On the linear Denjoy property of two-variable continuous functions

Miklós Laczkovich, Ákos K. Matszangosz (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The classical Denjoy-Young-Saks theorem gives a relation, here termed the Denjoy property, between the Dini derivatives of an arbitrary one-variable function that holds almost everywhere. Concerning the possible generalizations to higher dimensions, A. S. Besicovitch proved the following: there exists a continuous function of two variables such that at each point of a set of positive measure there exist continuum many directions, in each of which one Dini derivative is infinite and the other...

On the lower semicontinuity of certain integral functionals

Ennio De Giorgi, Giuseppe Buttazzo, Gianni Dal Maso (1983)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Si dimostra che il funzionale Ω f ( u , D u ) d x è semicontinuo inferiormente su W l o c 1 , 1 ( Ω ) , rispetto alla topologia indotta da L l o c 1 ( Ω ) , qualora l’integrando f ( s , p ) sia una funzione non-negativa, misurabile in s , convessa in p , limitata nell’intorno dei punti del tipo ( s , 0 ) , e tale che la funzione s f ( s , 0 ) sia semicontinua inferiormente su 𝐑 .

On the lower semicontinuous quasiconvex envelope for unbounded integrands (I)

Marcus Wagner (2009)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Motivated by the study of multidimensional control problems of Dieudonné-Rashevsky type, we raise the question how to understand to notion of quasiconvexity for a continuous function f with a convex body K n m instead of the whole space n m as the range of definition. In the present paper, we trace the consequences of an infinite extension of f outside K, and thus study quasiconvex functions which are allowed to take the value +∞. As an appropriate envelope, we introduce and investigate the lower semicontinuous...

Currently displaying 701 – 720 of 880