Displaying 101 – 120 of 258

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The Laplace derivative

Ralph E. Svetic (2001)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A function f : is said to have the n -th Laplace derivative on the right at x if f is continuous in a right neighborhood of x and there exist real numbers α 0 , ... , α n - 1 such that s n + 1 0 δ e - s t [ f ( x + t ) - i = 0 n - 1 α i t i / i ! ] d t converges as s + for some δ > 0 . There is a corresponding definition on the left. The function is said to have the n -th Laplace derivative at x when these two are equal, the common value is denoted by f n ( x ) . In this work we establish the basic properties of this new derivative and show that, by an example, it is more general than the generalized...

The level function in rearrangement invariant spaces.

Gord Sinnamon (2001)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

An exact expression for the down norm is given in terms of the level function on all rearrangement invariant spaces and a useful approximate expression is given for the down norm on all rearrangement invariant spaces whose upper Boyd index is not one.

The Lie group of real analytic diffeomorphisms is not real analytic

Rafael Dahmen, Alexander Schmeding (2015)

Studia Mathematica

We construct an infinite-dimensional real analytic manifold structure on the space of real analytic mappings from a compact manifold to a locally convex manifold. Here a map is defined to be real analytic if it extends to a holomorphic map on some neighbourhood of the complexification of its domain. As is well known, the construction turns the group of real analytic diffeomorphisms into a smooth locally convex Lie group. We prove that this group is regular in the sense of Milnor. ...

The Linearity of Riemann Integral on Functions from ℝ into Real Banach Space

Keiko Narita, Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama (2013)

Formalized Mathematics

In this article, we described basic properties of Riemann integral on functions from R into Real Banach Space. We proved mainly the linearity of integral operator about the integral of continuous functions on closed interval of the set of real numbers. These theorems were based on the article [10] and we referred to the former articles about Riemann integral. We applied definitions and theorems introduced in the article [9] and the article [11] to the proof. Using the definition of the article [10],...

The Lukacs-Olkin-Rubin theorem without invariance of the "quotient"

Konstancja Bobecka, Jacek Wesołowski (2002)

Studia Mathematica

The Lukacs theorem is one of the most brilliant results in the area of characterizations of probability distributions. First, because it gives a deep insight into the nature of independence properties of the gamma distribution; second, because it uses beautiful and non-trivial mathematics. Originally it was proved for probability distributions concentrated on (0,∞). In 1962 Olkin and Rubin extended it to matrix variate distributions. Since that time it has been believed that the fundamental reason...

The Lusin Theorem and Horizontal Graphs in the Heisenberg Group

Piotr Hajłasz, Jacob Mirra (2013)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

In this paper we prove that every collection of measurable functions fα , |α| = m, coincides a.e. withmth order derivatives of a function g ∈ Cm−1 whose derivatives of order m − 1 may have any modulus of continuity weaker than that of a Lipschitz function. This is a stronger version of earlier results of Lusin, Moonens-Pfeffer and Francos. As an application we construct surfaces in the Heisenberg group with tangent spaces being horizontal a.e.

The M α and C -integrals

Jae Myung Park, Hyung Won Ryu, Hoe Kyoung Lee, Deuk Ho Lee (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, we define the M α -integral of real-valued functions defined on an interval [ a , b ] and investigate important properties of the M α -integral. In particular, we show that a function f : [ a , b ] R is M α -integrable on [ a , b ] if and only if there exists an A C G α function F such that F ' = f almost everywhere on [ a , b ] . It can be seen easily that every McShane integrable function on [ a , b ] is M α -integrable and every M α -integrable function on [ a , b ] is Henstock integrable. In addition, we show that the M α -integral is equivalent to the C -integral....

The maximal theorem for weighted grand Lebesgue spaces

Alberto Fiorenza, Babita Gupta, Pankaj Jain (2008)

Studia Mathematica

We study the Hardy inequality and derive the maximal theorem of Hardy and Littlewood in the context of grand Lebesgue spaces, considered when the underlying measure space is the interval (0,1) ⊂ ℝ, and the maximal function is localized in (0,1). Moreover, we prove that the inequality | | M f | | p ) , w c | | f | | p ) , w holds with some c independent of f iff w belongs to the well known Muckenhoupt class A p , and therefore iff | | M f | | p , w c | | f | | p , w for some c independent of f. Some results of similar type are discussed for the case of small Lebesgue spaces....

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 258