Displaying 121 – 140 of 203

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Construction of aggregation operators: new composition method

Tomasa Calvo, Andrea Mesiarová, Ľubica Valášková (2003)


A new construction method for aggregation operators based on a composition of aggregation operators is proposed. Several general properties of this construction method are recalled. Further, several special cases are discussed. It is also shown, that this construction generalizes a recently introduced twofold integral, which is exactly a composition of the Choquet and Sugeno integral by means of a min operator.

Construction of functions with prescribed Hölder and chirp exponents.

Stéphane Jaffard (2000)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We show that the Hölder exponent and the chirp exponent of a function can be prescribed simultaneously on a set of full measure, if they are both lower limits of continuous functions. We also show that this result is optimal: In general, Hölder and chirp exponents cannot be prescribed outside a set of Hausdorff dimension less than one. The direct part of the proof consists in an explicit construction of a function determined by its orthonormal wavelet coefficients; the optimality is the direct consequence...

Construction of Sobolev spaces of fractional order with sub-riemannian vector fields

Sami Mustapha, François Vigneron (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Given a smooth family of vector fields satisfying Chow-Hörmander’s condition of step 2 and a regularity assumption, we prove that the Sobolev spaces of fractional order constructed by the standard functional analysis can actually be “computed” with a simple formula involving the sub-riemannian distance.Our approach relies on a microlocal analysis of translation operators in an anisotropic context. It also involves classical estimates of the heat-kernel associated to the sub-elliptic Laplacian.

Continuity in the Alexiewicz norm

Erik Talvila (2006)

Mathematica Bohemica

If f is a Henstock-Kurzweil integrable function on the real line, the Alexiewicz norm of f is f = sup I | I f | where the supremum is taken over all intervals I . Define the translation τ x by τ x f ( y ) = f ( y - x ) . Then τ x f - f tends to 0 as x tends to 0 , i.e., f is continuous in the Alexiewicz norm. For particular functions, τ x f - f can tend to 0 arbitrarily slowly. In general, τ x f - f osc f | x | as x 0 , where osc f is the oscillation of f . It is shown that if F is a primitive of f then τ x F - F f | x | . An example shows that the function y τ x F ( y ) - F ( y ) need not be in L 1 . However, if f L 1 then τ x F - F 1 f 1 | x | ....

Continuity of monotone functions

Boris Lavrič (1993)

Archivum Mathematicum

It is shown that a monotone function acting between euclidean spaces R n and R m is continuous almost everywhere with respect to the Lebesgue measure on R n .

Continuity of order-preserving functions

Boris Lavrič (1997)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let the spaces 𝐑 m and 𝐑 n be ordered by cones P and Q respectively, let A be a nonempty subset of 𝐑 m , and let f : A 𝐑 n be an order-preserving function. Suppose that P is generating in 𝐑 m , and that Q contains no affine line. Then f is locally bounded on the interior of A , and continuous almost everywhere with respect to the Lebesgue measure on 𝐑 m . If in addition P is a closed halfspace and if A is connected, then f is continuous if and only if the range f ( A ) is connected.

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 203