Displaying 1481 – 1500 of 4562

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General integration and extensions.II

Štefan Schwabik (2010)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

This work is a continuation of the paper (Š. Schwabik: General integration and extensions I, Czechoslovak Math. J. 60 (2010), 961–981). Two new general extensions are introduced and studied in the class 𝔗 of general integrals. The new extensions lead to approximate description of the Kurzweil-Henstock integral based on the Lebesgue integral close to the results of S. Nakanishi presented in the paper (S. Nakanishi: A new definition of the Denjoy’s special integral by the method of successive approximation,...

General method of regularization. I: Functionals defined on BD space

Jarosław L. Bojarski (2004)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The aim of this paper is to prove that the relaxation of the elastic-perfectly plastic energy (of a solid made of a Hencky material) is the lower semicontinuous regularization of the plastic energy. We find the integral representation of a non-locally coercive functional. In part II, we will show that the set of solutions of the relaxed problem is equal to the set of solutions of the relaxed problem proposed by Suquet. Moreover, we will prove the existence theorem for the limit analysis problem.

General method of regularization. II: Relaxation proposed by suquet

Jarosław L. Bojarski (2004)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The aim of this paper is to prove that the relaxation of the elastic-perfectly plastic energy (of a solid made of a Hencky material) is the lower semicontinuous regularization of the plastic energy. We find the integral representation of a non-locally coercive functional. We show that the set of solutions of the relaxed problem is equal to the set of solutions of the relaxed problem proposed by Suquet. Moreover, we prove an existence theorem for the limit analysis problem.

General method of regularization. III: The unilateral contact problem

Jarosław L. Bojarski (2004)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The aim of this paper is to prove that the relaxation of the elastic-perfectly plastic energy (of a solid made of a Hencky material with the Signorini constraints on the boundary) is the weak* lower semicontinuous regularization of the plastic energy. We consider an elastic-plastic solid endowed with the von Mises (or Tresca) yield condition. Moreover, we show that the set of solutions of the relaxed problem is equal to the set of solutions of the relaxed problem proposed by Suquet. We deduce that...

General uniform approximation theory by multivariate singular integral operators

George A. Anastassiou (2012)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We study the uniform approximation properties of general multivariate singular integral operators on N , N ≥ 1. We establish their convergence to the unit operator with rates. The estimates are pointwise and uniform. The established inequalities involve the multivariate higher order modulus of smoothness. We list the multivariate Picard, Gauss-Weierstrass, Poisson-Cauchy and trigonometric singular integral operators to which this theory can be applied directly.

Generalised functions of bounded deformation

Gianni Dal Maso (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We introduce the space G B D of generalized functions of bounded deformation and study the structure properties of these functions: the rectiability and the slicing properties of their jump sets, and the existence of their approximate symmetric gradients. We conclude by proving a compactness results for G B D , which leads to a compactness result for the space G S B D of generalized special functions of bounded deformation. The latter is connected to the existence of solutions to a weak formulation of some variational...

Generalised regular variation of arbitrary order

Edward Omey, Johan Segers (2010)

Banach Center Publications

Let f be a measurable, real function defined in a neighbourhood of infinity. The function f is said to be of generalised regular variation if there exist functions h ≢ 0 and g > 0 such that f(xt) - f(t) = h(x)g(t) + o(g(t)) as t → ∞ for all x ∈ (0,∞). Zooming in on the remainder term o(g(t)) eventually leads to the relation f(xt) - f(t) = h₁(x)g₁(t) + ⋯ + hₙ(x)gₙ(t) + o(gₙ(t)), each g i being of smaller order than its predecessor g i - 1 . The function f is said to be generalised regularly varying of...

Generalization of Ehrlich-Kjurkchiev Method for Multiple Roots of Algebraic Equations

Iliev, Anton (1998)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

In this paper a new method which is a generalization of the Ehrlich-Kjurkchiev method is developed. The method allows to find simultaneously all roots of the algebraic equation in the case when the roots are supposed to be multiple with known multiplicities. The offered generalization does not demand calculation of derivatives of order higher than first simultaneously keeping quaternary rate of convergence which makes this method suitable for application from practical point of view.

Currently displaying 1481 – 1500 of 4562