Displaying 181 – 200 of 532

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A note on the construction of measures taking their values in a Banach space with basis.

María Congost Iglesias (1983)


If E is a Banach space with a basis {en}, n belonging to N, a vector measure m: a --> E determines a sequence {mn}, n belonging to N, of scalar measures on a named its components. We obtain necessary and sufficient conditions to ensure that when given a sequence of scalar measures it is possible to construct a vector valued measure whose components were those given. Furthermore we study some relations between the variation of the measure m and the variation of its components.

A note on the Ehrhard inequality

Rafał Latała (1996)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that for λ ∈ [0,1] and A, B two Borel sets in n with A convex, Φ - 1 ( γ n ( λ A + ( 1 - λ ) B ) ) λ Φ - 1 ( γ n ( A ) ) + ( 1 - λ ) Φ - 1 ( γ n ( B ) ) , where γ n is the canonical gaussian measure in n and Φ - 1 is the inverse of the gaussian distribution function.

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 532