Displaying 101 – 120 of 141

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The Besov capacity in metric spaces

Juho Nuutinen (2016)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We study a capacity theory based on a definition of Hajłasz-Besov functions. We prove several properties of this capacity in the general setting of a metric space equipped with a doubling measure. The main results of the paper are lower bound and upper bound estimates for the capacity in terms of a modified Netrusov-Hausdorff content. Important tools are γ-medians, for which we also prove a new version of a Poincaré type inequality.

Theory of Bessel potentials. II

Robert Adams, Nachman Aronszajn, K. T. Smith (1967)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Dans cette partie de la théorie des potentiels besseliens on considère les restrictions de potentiels de la classe P a ( R n ) aux domaines ouverts D R n . On cherche à caractériser de manière intrinsèque la classe P a ( D ) ainsi obtenue.On attaque ce problème en définissant de manière directe (§ 2) une classe P ˇ a ( D ) P a ( D ) qui, pour des domaines assez réguliers, est égale à P a ( D ) .L’égalité P a ( D ) = P a ( D ) est équivalente à l’existence d’un opérateur-extension E : P ˇ a ( D ) P a ( R n ) , linéaire et continu, tel que E u soit une extension de u . Si un tel opérateur E transforme...

Theory of Bessel potentials. IV. Potentials on subcartesian spaces with singularities of polyhedral type

Nachman Aronszajn, Pawel Szeptycki (1975)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

In the previous parts of the series on Bessel potentials the present part was announced as dealing with manifolds with singularities. The last notion is best defined in the more general framework of subcartesian spaces. In a subcartesian space X we define the local potentials of reduced order α : u P loc α ( X ) , if for any chart ( U , φ , R n ) of the structure of X , u γ - 1 can be extended from φ ( U ) to the whole of R n as potential in P loc α + ( n / 2 ) ( R n ) . This definition is not intrinsic. We obtain an intrinsic characterization of P loc α ( X ) when X is with singularities...

Thin sets in nonlinear potential theory

Lars-Inge Hedberg, Thomas H. Wolff (1983)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let L α q ( R D ) , α > 0 , 1 < q < , denote the space of Bessel potentials f = G α * g , g L q , with norm f α , q = g q . For α integer L α q can be identified with the Sobolev space H α , q .One can associate a potential theory to these spaces much in the same way as classical potential theory is associated to the space H 1 ; 2 , and a considerable part of the theory was carried over to this more general context around 1970. There were difficulties extending the theory of thin sets, however. By means of a new inequality, which characterizes the positive cone in the space...

Two-weighted criteria for integral transforms with multiple kernels

Vakhtang Kokilashvili, Alexander Meskhi (2006)

Banach Center Publications

Necessary and sufficient conditions governing two-weight L p norm estimates for multiple Hardy and potential operators are presented. Two-weight inequalities for potentials defined on nonhomogeneous spaces are also discussed. Sketches of the proofs for most of the results are given.

Variable Sobolev capacity and the assumptions on the exponent

Petteri Harjulehto, Peter Hästö, Mika Koskenoja, Susanna Varonen (2005)

Banach Center Publications

In a recent article the authors showed that it is possible to define a Sobolev capacity in variable exponent Sobolev space. However, this set function was shown to be a Choquet capacity only under certain assumptions on the variable exponent. In this article we relax these assumptions.

α-stable random walk has massive thorns

Alexander Bendikov, Wojciech Cygan (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We introduce and study a class of random walks defined on the integer lattice d -a discrete space and time counterpart of the symmetric α-stable process in d . When 0 < α <2 any coordinate axis in d , d ≥ 3, is a non-massive set whereas any cone is massive. We provide a necessary and sufficient condition for a thorn to be a massive set.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 141