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Distortion mismatch in the quantization of probability measures

Siegfried Graf, Harald Luschgy, Gilles Pagès (2008)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We elucidate the asymptotics of the Ls-quantization error induced by a sequence of Lr-optimal n-quantizers of a probability distribution P on d when s > r. In particular we show that under natural assumptions, the optimal rate is preserved as long as s < r+d (and for every s in the case of a compactly supported distribution). We derive some applications of these results to the error bounds for quantization based cubature formulae in numerical integration on d and on the Wiener space.

Distribution of nodes on algebraic curves in N

Thomas Bloom, Norman Levenberg (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Given an irreducible algebraic curves A in N , let m d be the dimension of the complex vector space of all holomorphic polynomials of degree at most d restricted to A . Let K be a nonpolar compact subset of A , and for each d = 1 , 2 , . . . , choose m d points { A d j } j = 1 , . . . , m d in K . Finally, let Λ d be the d -th Lebesgue constant of the array { A d j } ; i.e., Λ d is the operator norm of the Lagrange interpolation operator L d acting on C ( K ) , where L d ( f ) is the Lagrange interpolating polynomial for f of degree d at the points { A d j } j = 1 , . . . , m d . Using techniques of pluripotential...

Duality, reflexivity and atomic decompositions in Banach spaces

Daniel Carando, Silvia Lassalle (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We study atomic decompositions and their relationship with duality and reflexivity of Banach spaces. To this end, we extend the concepts of "shrinking" and "boundedly complete" Schauder basis to the atomic decomposition framework. This allows us to answer a basic duality question: when an atomic decomposition for a Banach space generates, by duality, an atomic decomposition for its dual space. We also characterize the reflexivity of a Banach space in terms of properties of its atomic decompositions....

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