Displaying 241 – 260 of 425

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On the approximation of real continuous functions by series of solutions of a single system of partial differential equations

Carsten Elsner (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We prove the existence of an effectively computable integer polynomial P(x,t₀,...,t₅) having the following property. Every continuous function f : s can be approximated with arbitrary accuracy by an infinite sum r = 1 H r ( x , . . . , x s ) C ( s ) of analytic functions H r , each solving the same system of universal partial differential equations, namely P ( x σ ; H r , H r / x σ , . . . , H r / x σ ) = 0 (σ = 1,..., s).

On the existence of almost greedy bases in Banach spaces

S. J. Dilworth, N. J. Kalton, Denka Kutzarova (2003)

Studia Mathematica

We consider several greedy conditions for bases in Banach spaces that arise naturally in the study of the Thresholding Greedy Algorithm (TGA). In particular, we continue the study of almost greedy bases begun in [3]. We show that almost greedy bases are essentially optimal for n-term approximation when the TGA is modified to include a Chebyshev approximation. We prove that if a Banach space X has a basis and contains a complemented subspace with a symmetric basis and finite cotype then X has an...

On the Kaczmarz algorithm of approximation in infinite-dimensional spaces

Stanisław Kwapień, Jan Mycielski (2001)

Studia Mathematica

The Kaczmarz algorithm of successive projections suggests the following concept. A sequence ( e k ) of unit vectors in a Hilbert space is said to be effective if for each vector x in the space the sequence (xₙ) converges to x where (xₙ) is defined inductively: x₀ = 0 and x = x n - 1 + α e , where α = x - x n - 1 , e . We prove the effectivity of some sequences in Hilbert spaces. We generalize the concept of effectivity to sequences of vectors in Banach spaces and we prove some results for this more general concept.

On the randomized complexity of Banach space valued integration

Stefan Heinrich, Aicke Hinrichs (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We study the complexity of Banach space valued integration in the randomized setting. We are concerned with r times continuously differentiable functions on the d-dimensional unit cube Q, with values in a Banach space X, and investigate the relation of the optimal convergence rate to the geometry of X. It turns out that the nth minimal errors are bounded by c n - r / d - 1 + 1 / p if and only if X is of equal norm type p.

On the size of approximately convex sets in normed spaces

S. Dilworth, Ralph Howard, James Roberts (2000)

Studia Mathematica

Let X be a normed space. A set A ⊆ X is approximately convexif d(ta+(1-t)b,A)≤1 for all a,b ∈ A and t ∈ [0,1]. We prove that every n-dimensional normed space contains approximately convex sets A with ( A , C o ( A ) ) l o g 2 n - 1 and d i a m ( A ) C n ( l n n ) 2 , where ℋ denotes the Hausdorff distance. These estimates are reasonably sharp. For every D>0, we construct worst possible approximately convex sets in C[0,1] such that ℋ(A,Co(A))=(A)=D. Several results pertaining to the Hyers-Ulam stability theorem are also proved.

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 425