Displaying 421 – 440 of 558

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On the regularity of the one-sided Hardy-Littlewood maximal functions

Feng Liu, Suzhen Mao (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we study the regularity properties of the one-dimensional one-sided Hardy-Littlewood maximal operators + and - . More precisely, we prove that + and - map W 1 , p ( ) W 1 , p ( ) with 1 < p < , boundedly and continuously. In addition, we show that the discrete versions M + and M - map BV ( ) BV ( ) boundedly and map l 1 ( ) BV ( ) continuously. Specially, we obtain the sharp variation inequalities of M + and M - , that is, Var ( M + ( f ) ) Var ( f ) and Var ( M - ( f ) ) Var ( f ) if f BV ( ) , where Var ( f ) is the total variation of f on and BV ( ) is the set of all functions f : satisfying Var ( f ) < .

On the relationship between quasi-affine systems and the à trous algorithm.

Brody Dylan Johnson (2002)

Collectanea Mathematica

We seek to demonstrate a connection between refinable quasi-affine systems and the discrete wavelet transform known as the à trous algorithm. We begin with an introduction of the bracket product, which is the major tool in our analysis. Using multiresolution operators, we then proceed to reinvestigate the equivalence of the duality of refinable affine frames and their quasi-affine counterparts associated with a fairly general class of scaling functions that includes the class of compactly supported...

On the representation of functions by orthogonal series in weighted L p spaces

M. Grigorian (1999)

Studia Mathematica

It is proved that if φ n is a complete orthonormal system of bounded functions and ɛ>0, then there exists a measurable set E ⊂ [0,1] with measure |E|>1-ɛ, a measurable function μ(x), 0 < μ(x) ≤ 1, μ(x) ≡ 1 on E, and a series of the form k = 1 c k φ k ( x ) , where c k l q for all q>2, with the following properties: 1. For any p ∈ [1,2) and f L μ p [ 0 , 1 ] = f : ʃ 0 1 | f ( x ) | p μ ( x ) d x < there are numbers ɛ k , k=1,2,…, ɛ k = 1 or 0, such that l i m n ʃ 0 1 | k = 1 n ɛ k c k φ k ( x ) - f ( x ) | p μ ( x ) d x = 0 . 2. For every p ∈ [1,2) and f L μ p [ 0 , 1 ] there are a function g L 1 [ 0 , 1 ] with g(x) = f(x) on E and numbers δ k , k=1,2,…, δ k = 1 or 0, such that l i m n ʃ 0 1 | k = 1 n δ k c k φ k ( x ) - g ( x ) | p μ ( x ) d x = 0 ,...

On the representation systems with respect to summation methods

K. S. Kazarian (2006)

Banach Center Publications

Properties of representation systems with respect to summation methods are studied. For a given representation system with respect to a given summation method we study, in particular, the question of the stability of that property after deleting finitely many elements. As a consequence we obtain the existence of null series for the systems with respect to a given method of summation.

On the resolvents of dyadic paraproducts.

María Cristina Pereyra (1994)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We consider the boundedness of certain singular integral operators that arose in the study of Sobolev spaces on Lipschitz curves, [P1]. The standard theory available (David and Journé's T1 Theorem, for instance; see [D]) does not apply to this case becuase the operators are not necessarily Calderón-Zygmund operators, [Ch]. One of these operators gives an explicit formula for the resolvent at λ = 1 of the dyadic paraproduct, [Ch].

On the singular numbers for some integral operators.

Alexander Meskhi (2001)

Revista Matemática Complutense

Two-sided estimates of Schatten-von Neumann norms for weighted Volterra integral operators are established. Analogous problems for some potential-type operators defined on Rn are solved.

Currently displaying 421 – 440 of 558