Displaying 61 – 80 of 3637

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A generalized strange term in Signorini’s type problems

Carlos Conca, François Murat, Claudia Timofte (2003)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

The limit behavior of the solutions of Signorini’s type-like problems in periodically perforated domains with period ε is studied. The main feature of this limit behaviour is the existence of a critical size of the perforations that separates different emerging phenomena as ε 0 . In the critical case, it is shown that Signorini’s problem converges to a problem associated to a new operator which is the sum of a standard homogenized operator and an extra zero order term (“strange term”) coming from the...

A Generalized Strange Term in Signorini's Type Problems

Carlos Conca, François Murat, Claudia Timofte (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The limit behavior of the solutions of Signorini's type-like problems in periodically perforated domains with period ε is studied. The main feature of this limit behaviour is the existence of a critical size of the perforations that separates different emerging phenomena as ε → 0. In the critical case, it is shown that Signorini's problem converges to a problem associated to a new operator which is the sum of a standard homogenized operator and an extra zero order term (“strange term”) coming from...

A geometrical solution of a problem on wavelets

Antoine Ayaghe (2000)

Studia Mathematica

We prove the existence of nonseparable, orthonormal, compactly supported wavelet bases for L 2 ( 2 ) of arbitrarily high regularity by using some basic techniques of algebraic and differential geometry. We even obtain a much stronger result: “most” of the orthonormal compactly supported wavelet bases for L 2 ( 2 ) , of any regularity, are nonseparable

A gradient-projective basis of compactly supported wavelets in dimension n > 1

Guy Battle (2013)

Open Mathematics

A given set W = W X of n-variable class C 1 functions is a gradient-projective basis if for every tempered distribution f whose gradient is square-integrable, the sum χ ( n f · W χ * ) W χ converges to f with respect to the norm ( · ) L 2 ( n ) . The set is not necessarily an orthonormal set; the orthonormal expansion formula is just an element of the convex set of valid expansions of the given function f over W. We construct a gradient-projective basis W = W x of compactly supported class C 2−ɛ functions on ℝn such that [...]...

A Hardy space related to the square root of the Poisson kernel

Jonatan Vasilis (2010)

Studia Mathematica

A real-valued Hardy space H ¹ ( ) L ¹ ( ) related to the square root of the Poisson kernel in the unit disc is defined. The space is shown to be strictly larger than its classical counterpart H¹(). A decreasing function is in H ¹ ( ) if and only if the function is in the Orlicz space LloglogL(). In contrast to the case of H¹(), there is no such characterization for general positive functions: every Orlicz space strictly larger than L log L() contains positive functions which do not belong to H ¹ ( ) , and no Orlicz space...

A Hörmander-type spectral multiplier theorem for operators without heat kernel

Sönke Blunck (2003)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

Hörmander’s famous Fourier multiplier theorem ensures the L p -boundedness of F ( - Δ D ) whenever F ( s ) for some s > D 2 , where we denote by ( s ) the set of functions satisfying the Hörmander condition for s derivatives. Spectral multiplier theorems are extensions of this result to more general operators A 0 and yield the L p -boundedness of F ( A ) provided F ( s ) for some s sufficiently large. The harmonic oscillator A = - Δ + x 2 shows that in general s > D 2 is not sufficient even if A has a heat kernel satisfying gaussian estimates. In this paper,...

A law of the iterated logarithm for general lacunary series

Charles N. Moore, Xiaojing Zhang (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We prove a law of the iterated logarithm for sums of the form k = 1 N a k f ( n k x ) where the n k satisfy a Hadamard gap condition. Here we assume that f is a Dini continuous function on ℝⁿ which has the property that for every cube Q of sidelength 1 with corners in the lattice ℤⁿ, f vanishes on ∂Q and has mean value zero on Q.

A limit theorem for the q-convolution

Anna Kula (2011)

Banach Center Publications

The q-convolution is a measure-preserving transformation which originates from non-commutative probability, but can also be treated as a one-parameter deformation of the classical convolution. We show that its commutative aspect is further certified by the fact that the q-convolution satisfies all of the conditions of the generalized convolution (in the sense of Urbanik). The last condition of Urbanik's definition, the law of large numbers, is the crucial part to be proved and the non-commutative...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 3637