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Boundedness of some sublinear operators and commutators on Morrey-Herz spaces with variable exponents

Yan Lu, Yue Ping Zhu (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We introduce a new type of variable exponent function spaces M K ˙ q , p ( · ) α ( · ) , λ ( n ) of Morrey-Herz type where the two main indices are variable exponents, and give some propositions of the introduced spaces. Under the assumption that the exponents α and p are subject to the log-decay continuity both at the origin and at infinity, we prove the boundedness of a wide class of sublinear operators satisfying a proper size condition which include maximal, potential and Calderón-Zygmund operators and their commutators of BMO...

Boundedness of Stein's square functions and Bochner-Riesz means associated to operators on Hardy spaces

Xuefang Yan (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let ( X , d , μ ) be a metric measure space endowed with a distance d and a nonnegative Borel doubling measure μ . Let L be a non-negative self-adjoint operator of order m on L 2 ( X ) . Assume that the semigroup e - t L generated by L satisfies the Davies-Gaffney estimate of order m and L satisfies the Plancherel type estimate. Let H L p ( X ) be the Hardy space associated with L . We show the boundedness of Stein’s square function 𝒢 δ ( L ) arising from Bochner-Riesz means associated to L from Hardy spaces H L p ( X ) to L p ( X ) , and also study the boundedness...

Boundedness of sublinear operators in Triebel-Lizorkin spaces via atoms

Liguang Liu, Dachun Yang (2009)

Studia Mathematica

Let s ∈ ℝ, p ∈ (0,1] and q ∈ [p,∞). It is proved that a sublinear operator T uniquely extends to a bounded sublinear operator from the Triebel-Lizorkin space p , q s ( ) to a quasi-Banach space ℬ if and only if sup | | T ( a ) | | : a is an infinitely differentiable (p,q,s)-atom of p , q s ( ) < ∞, where the (p,q,s)-atom of p , q s ( ) is as defined by Han, Paluszyński and Weiss.

Boundedness of sublinear operators on the homogeneous Herz spaces.

Guoen Hu (2003)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Some boundedness results are established for sublinear operators on the homogeneous Herz spaces. As applications, some new theorems about the boundedness on homogeneous Herz spaces for commutators of singular integral operators are obtained.

Boundedness of Toeplitz type operators associated to Riesz potential operator with general kernel on Orlicz space

Dazhao Chen (2015)

Open Mathematics

In this paper, the boundedness properties for some Toeplitz type operators associated to the Riesz potential and general integral operators from Lebesgue spaces to Orlicz spaces are proved. The general integral operators include singular integral operator with general kernel, Littlewood-Paley operator, Marcinkiewicz operator and Bochner-Riesz operator.

Boundedness properties of fractional integral operators associated to non-doubling measures

José García-Cuerva, A. Eduardo Gatto (2004)

Studia Mathematica

The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the behavior of fractional integral operators associated to a measure on a metric space satisfying just a mild growth condition, namely that the measure of each ball is controlled by a fixed power of its radius. This allows, in particular, non-doubling measures. It turns out that this condition is enough to build up a theory that contains the classical results based upon the Lebesgue measure on Euclidean space and their known extensions for doubling...

Bounds of Riesz Transforms on L p Spaces for Second Order Elliptic Operators

Zhongwei Shen (2005)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let = -div ( A ( x ) ) be a second order elliptic operator with real, symmetric, bounded measurable coefficients on n or on a bounded Lipschitz domain subject to Dirichlet boundary condition. For any fixed p &gt; 2 , a necessary and sufficient condition is obtained for the boundedness of the Riesz transform ( ) - 1 / 2 on the L p space. As an application, for 1 &lt; p &lt; 3 + ϵ , we establish the L p boundedness of Riesz transforms on Lipschitz domains for operators with V M O coefficients. The range of p is sharp. The closely related boundedness of ...

Brushlet characterization of the Hardy space H1(R) and the space BMO.

Lasse Borup (2005)

Collectanea Mathematica

A typical wavelet system constitutes an unconditional basis for various function spaces -Lebesgue, Besov, Triebel-Lizorkin, Hardy, BMO. One of the main reasons is the frequency localization of an element from such a basis. In this paper we study a wavelet-type system, called a brushlet system. In [3] it was noticed that brushlets constitute unconditional bases for classical function spaces such as the Triebel-Lizorkin and Besov spaces. In this paper we study brushlet expansions of functions in the...

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