Displaying 1141 – 1160 of 2299

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Multipliers on Spaces of Functions on a Locally Compact Abelian Group with Values in a Hilbert Space

Petkova, Violeta (2006)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 43A22, 43A25.We prove a representation theorem for bounded operators commuting with translations on L2ω(G,H), where G is a locally compact abelian group, H is a Hilbert space and ω is a weight on G. Moreover, in the particular case when G = R, we characterize completely the spectrum of the shift operator S1,ω on Lω2(R,H).

Multipliers with closed range on commutative semisimple Banach algebras

A. Ülger (2002)

Studia Mathematica

Let A be a commutative semisimple Banach algebra, Δ(A) its Gelfand spectrum, T a multiplier on A and T̂ its Gelfand transform. We study the following problems. (a) When is δ(T) = inf{|T̂(f)|: f ∈ Δ(A), T̂(f) ≠ 0} > 0? (b) When is the range T(A) of T closed in A and does it have a bounded approximate identity? (c) How to characterize the idempotent multipliers in terms of subsets of Δ(A)?

Multiresolution analysis and Radon measures on a locally compact Abelian group

Félix Galindo, Javier Sanz (2001)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A multiresolution analysis is defined in a class of locally compact abelian groups G . It is shown that the spaces of integrable functions p ( G ) and the complex Radon measures M ( G ) admit a simple characterization in terms of this multiresolution analysis.

Necessary condition for measures which are ( L q , L p ) multipliers

Bérenger Akon Kpata, Ibrahim Fofana, Konin Koua (2009)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

Let G be a locally compact group and ρ the left Haar measure on G . Given a non-negative Radon measure μ , we establish a necessary condition on the pairs q , p for which μ is a multiplier from L q G , ρ to L p G , ρ . Applied to n , our result is stronger than the necessary condition established by Oberlin in [14] and is closely related to a class of measures defined by Fofana in [7].When G is the circle group, we obtain a generalization of a condition stated by Oberlin [15] and improve on it in some cases.

New algebras of functions on topological groups arising from G-spaces

E. Glasner, M. Megrelishvili (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

For a topological group G we introduce the algebra SUC(G) of strongly uniformly continuous functions. We show that SUC(G) contains the algebra WAP(G) of weakly almost periodic functions as well as the algebras LE(G) and Asp(G) of locally equicontinuous and Asplund functions respectively. For the Polish groups of order preserving homeomorphisms of the unit interval and of isometries of the Urysohn space of diameter 1, we show that SUC(G) is trivial. We introduce the notion of fixed point on a class...

Currently displaying 1141 – 1160 of 2299