Displaying 1421 – 1440 of 2299

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On the traces of W2,p(Ω) for a Lipschitz domain.

Ricardo G. Durán, María Amelia Muschietti (2001)

Revista Matemática Complutense

We extend to the case 1 < p the results obtained by Geymonat and Krasucki for p = 2 on the characterization of the traces of W2,p(Ω) for a bounded Lipschitz domain.

On the uniqueness of uniform norms and C*-norms

P. A. Dabhi, H. V. Dedania (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that a semisimple, commutative Banach algebra has either exactly one uniform norm or infinitely many uniform norms; this answers a question asked by S. J. Bhatt and H. V. Dedania [Studia Math. 160 (2004)]. A similar result is proved for C*-norms on *-semisimple, commutative Banach *-algebras. These properties are preserved if the identity is adjoined. We also show that a commutative Beurling *-algebra L¹(G,ω) has exactly one uniform norm if and only if it has exactly one C*-norm; this is...

On the vector-valued Fourier transform and compatibility of operators

In Sook Park (2005)

Studia Mathematica

Let be a locally compact abelian group and let 1 < p ≤ 2. ’ is the dual group of , and p’ the conjugate exponent of p. An operator T between Banach spaces X and Y is said to be compatible with the Fourier transform F if F T : L p ( ) X L p ' ( ' ) Y admits a continuous extension [ F , T ] : [ L p ( ) , X ] [ L p ' ( ' ) , Y ] . Let T p denote the collection of such T’s. We show that T p × = T p × = T p × for any and positive integer n. Moreover, if the factor group of by its identity component is a direct sum of a torsion-free group and a finite group with discrete topology then T p = T p .

On uniqueness of G-measures and g-measures

Ai Fan (1996)

Studia Mathematica

We give a simple proof of the sufficiency of a log-lipschitzian condition for the uniqueness of G-measures and g-measures which were studied by G. Brown, A. H. Dooley and M. Keane. In the opposite direction, we show that the lipschitzian condition together with positivity is not sufficient. In the special case where the defining function depends only upon two coordinates, we find a necessary and sufficient condition. The special case of Riesz products is discussed and the Hausdorff dimension of...

On vector-valued inequalities for Sidon sets and sets of interpolation

N. Kalton (1993)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let E be a Sidon subset of the integers and suppose X is a Banach space. Then Pisier has shown that E-spectral polynomials with values in X behave like Rademacher sums with respect to L p -norms. We consider the situation when X is a quasi-Banach space. For general quasi-Banach spaces we show that a similar result holds if and only if E is a set of interpolation ( I 0 -set). However, for certain special classes of quasi-Banach spaces we are able to prove such a result for larger sets. Thus if X is restricted...

On weighted inequalities for operators of potential type

Shiying Zhao (1996)

Colloquium Mathematicae

In this paper, we discuss a class of weighted inequalities for operators of potential type on homogeneous spaces. We give sufficient conditions for the weak and strong type weighted inequalities sup_{λ>0} λ|{x ∈ X : |T(fdσ)(x)|>λ }|_{ω}^{1/q} ≤ C (∫_{X} |f|^{p}dσ)^{1/p} and (∫_{X} |T(fdσ)|^{q}dω )^{1/q} ≤ C (∫_X |f|^{p}dσ )^{1/p} in the cases of 0 < q < p ≤ ∞ and 1 ≤ q < p < ∞, respectively, where T is an operator of potential type, and ω and σ are Borel measures on the homogeneous...

Currently displaying 1421 – 1440 of 2299