Displaying 1481 – 1500 of 2299

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Pointwise convergence of the Fourier transform on locally compact abelian groups.

María L. Torres de Squire (1993)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We extend to locally compact abelian groups, Fejer's theorem on pointwise convergence of the Fourier transform. We prove that lim φU * f(y) = f (y) almost everywhere for any function f in the space (LP, l∞)(G) (hence in LP(G)), 2 ≤ p ≤ ∞, where {φU} is Simon's generalization to locally compact abelian groups of the summability Fejer Kernel. Using this result, we extend to locally compact abelian groups a theorem of F. Holland on the Fourier transform of unbounded measures of type q.

Pointwise estimates for densities of stable semigroups of measures

Paweł Głowacki, Waldemar Hebisch (1993)

Studia Mathematica

Let μ t be a symmetric α-stable semigroup of probability measures on a homogeneous group N, where 0 < α < 2. Assume that μ t are absolutely continuous with respect to Haar measure and denote by h t the corresponding densities. We show that the estimate h t ( x ) t Ω ( x / | x | ) | x | - n - α , x≠0, holds true with some integrable function Ω on the unit sphere Σ if and only if the density of the Lévy measure of the semigroup belongs locally to the Zygmund class LlogL(N╲e). The problem turns out to be related to the properties of the maximal...

Pointwise multipliers on weighted BMO spaces

Eiichi Nakai (1997)

Studia Mathematica

Let E and F be spaces of real- or complex-valued functions defined on a set X. A real- or complex-valued function g defined on X is called a pointwise multiplier from E to F if the pointwise product fg belongs to F for each f ∈ E. We denote by PWM(E,F) the set of all pointwise multipliers from E to F. Let X be a space of homogeneous type in the sense of Coifman-Weiss. For 1 ≤ p < ∞ and for ϕ : X × + + , we denote by b m o ϕ , p ( X ) the set of all functions f L l o c p ( X ) such that s u p a X , r > 0 1 / ϕ ( a , r ) ( 1 / μ ( B ( a , r ) ) ʃ B ( a , r ) | f ( x ) - f B ( a , r ) | p d μ ) 1 / p < , where B(a,r) is the ball centered at a and of...

Polyhedral summability of multiple Fourier series (and explicit formulas for Dirichlet kernels on n and on compact Lie groups)

Giancarlo Travaglini (1993)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We study polyhedral Dirichlet kernels on the n-dimensional torus and we write a fairly simple formula which extends the one-dimensional identity j = - N N e i j t = s i n ( ( N + ( 1 / 2 ) ) t ) / s i n ( ( 1 / 2 ) t ) . We prove sharp results for the Lebesgue constants and for the pointwise boundedness of polyhedral Dirichlet kernels; we apply our results and methods to approximation theory, to more general summability methods and to Fourier series on compact Lie groups, where we write an asymptotic formula for the Dirichlet kernels.

Polynomially growing pluriharmonic functions on Siegel domains

Monika Gilżyńska (2007)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let 𝓓 be a symmetric type two Siegel domain over the cone of positive definite Hermitian matrices and let N(Φ)S be a solvable Lie group acting simply transitively on 𝓓. We characterize polynomially growing pluriharmonic functions on 𝓓 by means of three N(Φ)S-invariant second order elliptic degenerate operators.

Positive Q-matrices of graphs

Nobuaki Obata (2007)

Studia Mathematica

The Q-matrix of a connected graph = (V,E) is Q = ( q ( x , y ) ) x , y V , where ∂(x,y) is the graph distance. Let q() be the range of q ∈ (-1,1) for which the Q-matrix is strictly positive. We obtain a sufficient condition for the equality q(̃) = q() where ̃ is an extension of a finite graph by joining a square. Some concrete examples are discussed.

Currently displaying 1481 – 1500 of 2299