Displaying 61 – 80 of 103

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The Pfaffian transform.

Austin, Tracale, Bantilan, Hans, Egge, Eric S., Jonas, Isao, Kory, Paul (2009)

Journal of Integer Sequences [electronic only]

The product of a function and a Boehmian

Dennis Nemzer (1993)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let A be the class of all real-analytic functions and β the class of all Boehmians. We show that there is no continuous operation on β which is ordinary multiplication when restricted to A.

The Singularity Expansion Method applied to the transient motions of a floating elastic plate

Christophe Hazard, François Loret (2007)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this paper we propose an original approach for the simulation of the time-dependent response of a floating elastic plate using the so-called Singularity Expansion Method. This method consists in computing an asymptotic behaviour for large time obtained by means of the Laplace transform by using the analytic continuation of the resolvent of the problem. This leads to represent the solution as the sum of a discrete superposition of exponentially damped oscillating motions associated to the poles...

The truncated matrix trigonometric moment problem with an open gap

Sergey Zagorodnyuk (2015)

Concrete Operators

This paper is a continuation of our previous investigations on the truncated matrix trigonometric moment problem in Ukrainian Math. J., 2011, 63, no. 6, 786-797, and Ukrainian Math. J., 2013, 64, no. 8, 1199- 1214. In this paper we shall study the truncated matrix trigonometric moment problem with an additional constraint posed on the matrix measure MT(δ), δ ∈ B(T), generated by the seeked function M(x): MT(∆) = 0, where ∆ is a given open subset of T (called a gap). We present necessary and sufficient...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 103