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Applications sommantes et radonifiantes

Patrice Assouad (1972)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soient E , F des espaces de Banach L ϕ , L ψ des espaces d’Orlicz, on définit les applications ϕ - ψ sommantes de E dans F . On montre que de telles applications sont ϕ - ψ radonifiantes de E dans σ ( F ' ' , F ' ) .On donne une factorisation caractéristique des applications ϕ - 0 sommantes.

Around Widder’s characterization of the Laplace transform of an element of L ( + )

Jan Kisyński (2000)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let ϰ be a positive, continuous, submultiplicative function on + such that l i m t e - ω t t - α ϰ ( t ) = a for some ω ∈ ℝ, α ∈ + ¯ and a + . For every λ ∈ (ω,∞) let ϕ λ ( t ) = e - λ t for t + . Let L ϰ 1 ( + ) be the space of functions Lebesgue integrable on + with weight ϰ , and let E be a Banach space. Consider the map ϕ : ( ω , ) λ ϕ λ L ϰ 1 ( + ) . Theorem 5.1 of the present paper characterizes the range of the linear map T T ϕ defined on L ( L ϰ 1 ( + ) ; E ) , generalizing a result established by B. Hennig and F. Neubrander for ϰ ( t ) = e ω t . If ϰ ≡ 1 and E =ℝ then Theorem 5.1 reduces to D. V. Widder’s characterization...

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