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Uniqueness of complete norms for quotients of Banach function algebras

W. Bade, H. Dales (1993)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that every quotient algebra of a unital Banach function algebra A has a unique complete norm if A is a Ditkin algebra. The theorem applies, for example, to the algebra A (Γ) of Fourier transforms of the group algebra L 1 ( G ) of a locally compact abelian group (with identity adjoined if Γ is not compact). In such algebras non-semisimple quotients A ( Γ ) / J ( E ) ¯ arise from closed subsets E of Γ which are sets of non-synthesis. Examples are given to show that the condition of Ditkin cannot be relaxed. We construct...

Uniqueness of the topology on L¹(G)

J. Extremera, J. F. Mena, A. R. Villena (2002)

Studia Mathematica

Let G be a locally compact abelian group and let X be a translation invariant linear subspace of L¹(G). If G is noncompact, then there is at most one Banach space topology on X that makes translations on X continuous. In fact, the Banach space topology on X is determined just by a single nontrivial translation in the case where the dual group Ĝ is connected. For G compact we show that the problem of determining a Banach space topology on X by considering translation operators on X is closely related...

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