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C₀-semigroups generated by second order differential operators

Gabriela Raluca Mocanu (2016)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let W ( u ) ( x ) = 1 / 2 x a ( 1 - x ) b u ' ' ( x ) with a,b ≥ 2. We consider the C₀-semigroups generated by this operator on the spaces of continuous functions, respectively square integrable functions. The connection between these semigroups together with suitable approximation processes is studied. Also, some qualitative and quantitative properties are derived.

C-Distribution semigroups

Marko Kostić (2008)

Studia Mathematica

A class of C-distribution semigroups unifying the class of (quasi-) distribution semigroups of Wang and Kunstmann (when C = I) is introduced. Relations between C-distribution semigroups and integrated C-semigroups are given. Dense C-distribution semigroups as well as weak solutions of the corresponding Cauchy problems are also considered.

Classes of distribution semigroups

Peer Christian Kunstmann, Modrag Mijatović, Stevan Pilipović (2008)

Studia Mathematica

We introduce various classes of distribution semigroups distinguished by their behavior at the origin. We relate them to quasi-distribution semigroups and integrated semigroups. A class of such semigroups, called strong distribution semigroups, is characterized through the value at the origin in the sense of Łojasiewicz. It contains smooth distribution semigroups as a subclass. Moreover, the analysis of the behavior at the origin involves intrinsic structural results for semigroups. To this purpose,...

Closed semistable operators and singular differential equations

Jaromír J. Koliha, Trung Dinh Tran (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study a class of closed linear operators on a Banach space whose nonzero spectrum lies in the open left half plane, and for which 0 is at most a simple pole of the operator resolvent. Our spectral theory based methods enable us to give a simple proof of the characterization of C 0 -semigroups of bounded linear operators with asynchronous exponential growth, and recover results of Thieme, Webb and van Neerven. The results are applied to the study of the asymptotic behavior of the solutions to a singularly...

Concave iteration semigroups of linear set-valued functions

Jolanta Olko (1999)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We consider a concave iteration semigroup of linear continuous set-valued functions defined on a closed convex cone in a separable Banach space. We prove that such an iteration semigroup has a selection which is also an iteration semigroup of linear continuous functions. Moreover it is majorized by an "exponential" family of linear continuous set-valued functions.

Continuity versus nonexistence for a class of linear stochastic Cauchy problems driven by a Brownian motion

Johanna Dettweiler, J.M.A.M. van Neerven (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let A = d / d θ denote the generator of the rotation group in the space C ( Γ ) , where Γ denotes the unit circle. We show that the stochastic Cauchy problem d U ( t ) = A U ( t ) + f d b t , U ( 0 ) = 0 , ( 1 ) where b is a standard Brownian motion and f C ( Γ ) is fixed, has a weak solution if and only if the stochastic convolution process t ( f * b ) t has a continuous modification, and that in this situation the weak solution has a continuous modification. In combination with a recent result of Brzeźniak, Peszat and Zabczyk it follows that (1) fails to have a weak solution for all...

Continuous isometric semigroups and reflexivity

Marek Ptak (1991)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

 Abstract. We consider the reflexivity of a WOT-closed algebra generated by continuous isometric semigroups parametrized by the semigroup of non-negative reals or the semigroup of finite sequences of non-negative reals. It is also proved that semigroups of continuous unilateral multi-parameter shifts are reflexive.

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