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Two separation criteria for second order ordinary or partial differential operators

Richard C. Brown, Don B. Hinton (1999)

Mathematica Bohemica

We generalize a well-known separation condition of Everitt and Giertz to a class of weighted symmetric partial differential operators defined on domains in n . Also, for symmetric second-order ordinary differential operators we show that lim sup t c ( p q ' ) ' / q 2 = θ < 2 where c is a singular point guarantees separation of - ( p y ' ) ' + q y on its minimal domain and extend this criterion to the partial differential setting. As a particular example it is shown that - Δ y + q y is separated on its minimal domain if q is superharmonic. For n = 1 the criterion...

Unique continuation for Schrödinger operators with potential in Morrey spaces.

Alberto Ruiz, Luis Vega (1991)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Let us consider in a domain Ω of Rn solutions of the differential inequality|Δu(x)| ≤ V(x)|u(x)|, x ∈ Ω,where V is a non smooth, positive potential.We are interested in global unique continuation properties. That means that u must be identically zero on Ω if it vanishes on an open subset of Ω.

Weighted Dispersive Estimates for Solutions of the Schrödinger Equation

Cardoso, Fernando, Cuevas, Claudio, Vodev, Georgi (2008)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35L15, 35B40, 47F05.Introduction and statement of results. In the present paper we will be interested in studying the decay properties of the Schrödinger group.The authors have been supported by the agreement Brazil-France in Mathematics – Proc. 69.0014/01-5. The first two authors have also been partially supported by the CNPq-Brazil.

Currently displaying 401 – 420 of 500