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Light classes of generalized stars in polyhedral maps on surfaces

Stanislav Jendrol', Heinz-Jürgen Voss (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A generalized s-star, s ≥ 1, is a tree with a root Z of degree s; all other vertices have degree ≤ 2. S i denotes a generalized 3-star, all three maximal paths starting in Z have exactly i+1 vertices (including Z). Let be a surface of Euler characteristic χ() ≤ 0, and m():= ⎣(5 + √49-24χ( ))/2⎦. We prove: (1) Let k ≥ 1, d ≥ m() be integers. Each polyhedral map G on with a k-path (on k vertices) contains a k-path of maximum degree ≤ d in G or a generalized s-star T, s ≤ m(), on d + 2- m() vertices...

Light paths with an odd number of vertices in polyhedral maps

Stanislav Jendroľ, Heinz-Jürgen Voss (2000)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let P k be a path on k vertices. In an earlier paper we have proved that each polyhedral map G on any compact 2 -manifold 𝕄 with Euler characteristic χ ( 𝕄 ) 0 contains a path P k such that each vertex of this path has, in G , degree k 5 + 49 - 24 χ ( 𝕄 ) 2 . Moreover, this bound is attained for k = 1 or k 2 , k even. In this paper we prove that for each odd k 4 3 5 + 49 - 24 χ ( 𝕄 ) 2 + 1 , this bound is the best possible on infinitely many compact 2 -manifolds, but on infinitely many other compact 2 -manifolds the upper bound can be lowered to ( k - 1 3 ) 5 + 49 - 24 χ ( 𝕄 ) 2 .

Linear combinations of partitions of unity with restricted supports

Christian Richter (2002)

Studia Mathematica

Given a locally finite open covering of a normal space X and a Hausdorff topological vector space E, we characterize all continuous functions f: X → E which admit a representation f = C a C φ C with a C E and a partition of unity φ C : C subordinate to . As an application, we determine the class of all functions f ∈ C(||) on the underlying space || of a Euclidean complex such that, for each polytope P ∈ , the restriction f | P attains its extrema at vertices of P. Finally, a class of extremal functions on the metric space...

Linear programming duality and morphisms

Winfried Hochstättler, Jaroslav Nešetřil (1999)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we investigate a class of problems permitting a good characterisation from the point of view of morphisms of oriented matroids. We prove several morphism-duality theorems for oriented matroids. These generalize LP-duality (in form of Farkas' Lemma) and Minty's Painting Lemma. Moreover, we characterize all morphism duality theorems, thus proving the essential unicity of Farkas' Lemma. This research helped to isolate perhaps the most natural definition of strong maps for oriented matroids....

Lipschitz sums of convex functions

Marianna Csörnyei, Assaf Naor (2003)

Studia Mathematica

We give a geometric characterization of the convex subsets of a Banach space with the property that for any two convex continuous functions on this set, if their sum is Lipschitz, then the functions must be Lipschitz. We apply this result to the theory of Δ-convex functions.

Local cohomology of logarithmic forms

G. Denham, H. Schenck, M. Schulze, M. Wakefield, U. Walther (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let Y be a divisor on a smooth algebraic variety X . We investigate the geometry of the Jacobian scheme of Y , homological invariants derived from logarithmic differential forms along Y , and their relationship with the property that Y be a free divisor. We consider arrangements of hyperplanes as a source of examples and counterexamples. In particular, we make a complete calculation of the local cohomology of logarithmic forms of generic hyperplane arrangements.

Logconcave random graphs.

Frieze, Alan, Vempala, Santosh, Vera, Juan (2010)

The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]

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