Displaying 81 – 100 of 2516

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A measure of axial symmetry of centrally symmetric convex bodies

Marek Lassak, Monika Nowicka (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Denote by Kₘ the mirror image of a planar convex body K in a straight line m. It is easy to show that K*ₘ = conv(K ∪ Kₘ) is the smallest by inclusion convex body whose axis of symmetry is m and which contains K. The ratio axs(K) of the area of K to the minimum area of K*ₘ over all straight lines m is a measure of axial symmetry of K. We prove that axs(K) > 1/2√2 for every centrally symmetric convex body and that this estimate cannot be improved in general. We also give a formula for axs(P) for...

A new algorithm for approximating the least concave majorant

Martin Franců, Ron Kerman, Gord Sinnamon (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The least concave majorant, F ^ , of a continuous function F on a closed interval, I , is defined by F ^ ( x ) = inf { G ( x ) : G F , G concave } , x I . We present an algorithm, in the spirit of the Jarvis March, to approximate the least concave majorant of a differentiable piecewise polynomial function of degree at most three on I . Given any function F 𝒞 4 ( I ) , it can be well-approximated on I by a clamped cubic spline S . We show that S ^ is then a good approximation to F ^ . We give two examples, one to illustrate, the other to apply our algorithm.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 2516